01 December 2005

Thursday Night With A Difference

My Tuesday night teacher was teaching tonight which was great as I really enjoy her teaching style. Anyway it was a great night. Had some really fab dances. While in class we did a Man Spin and I decided to a double spin (as I'm prone to doing) and my partner at the time, who I hadn't danced with before, said she definitely had to get a dance with me later (on the back of that) and that made me feel great. A lady also said I spin better than she does later though I'm sure she was just being nice. Anyway all this and more turned it into a wonderful evening. That's two great classes in a row; lets hope it continues!

I've done all the intermediate moves before. I'm still compiling my proper move list but the summary (with some made up names of course) is The Frog Walk Something, Accordion Lap Sit and Blah Blah into Crucifix (started from a double crossed hand taking to right side and turning lady and self to face in the same way etc). I got a few complements on my Lap Sit but I think that's because I bluesify it a bit. I mentioned to the teacher that I had done all the moves before but it was only in conversation; I certainly hope she doesn't think I'm disappointed about that... I think it is really good to review moves and it also means I don't have a new set of moves to worry about practicing in addition to the backlog in freestyle.


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