13 December 2005

Even The Venue Manager Must Dance

Had a really good middle bit of my evening dancing; it was a great high and I really was enjoying a long chain of dances. The beginning was a bit sketchy and the end saw tiredness consume my ability to dance (with brief spurts of energy). I had an amusing dance with the venue manager (where she was sitting down) and a lot of good dances with people I wouldn't normally expect to have great dances with but the connection was just there. On the other hand a I had less good dances with few people who I absoulutely adore dancing with (doesn't mean that I've stopped adoring dancing with them).

I seemed to have quick a bit of difficulty spinning tonight. I always seemed to be putting myself off balance and most of my double spins failed. I was shocked but I'm sure it was just an on this evening thing.

Quick list of interemediate moves. With the exception of my spinning the beginners class was good (I never bring it up any more).

  • Armjive Fast Teapot. Do an Armjive Swizzle taking yourself under the woman's arm to a Teapot but push with your right hand to immediately exit the teapot. Return.

  • Manspin Walk Catapult. Manspin but don't let go with the left while you let the woman walk around you while shaking your thing and offering your right hand at left (this was 4 counts) she takes your hand with her left making a sort of reverse Basket. Walk forwards starting with right for a few counts before moving in front of the woman, letting go with both hands, and taking her hands behind you to end like the end of a Catapult.

  • Firstmove Lock Underarm Wurlitzer Walkaround into Wurltizer Traveling Double Turn. Start a FirstMove as you push the woman out pivot to face her and take your right hand to just under the top of her left arm. This allows you to pivot her under both your arms taking her out (while letting go with left) and moving to the open part (with both you facing the same direction) of a Wurlitzer. Wrap her into a Basket without taking with left and walk her for a couple of counts. Then unwrap her and offer left in front high up. Wrap her in and take her right with your left to do a double traveling return.


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