08 November 2005


Tonight's dancing was a bit average. I had a lot of good dances (not great but good) but my moves and energy seemed a little lacking. Still I've been here before so I'm sure it'll pick up again. The numbers were balanced (men a little over at times in the beginner's class) which was great I prefer that to a thousand extra women. Even then there were a lot of women that I would have loved to dance with that I never got the chance to.

Someone also said that a bunch of the women said they really enjoyed dancing with me. Yeay!

  • First Move Tango Walk. Start a First Move but upon pushing out pivot to face and adopt a strong frame and a butterfly grip. Put the woman's weight on her right foot and then pivot her anti-clockwise so she cross-steps backwards with left behind right. Then redistribute her weight to her left foot and backwards cross step right then left again before kick-sweeping right around and moving back into your frame and then turning the woman out. Take both hands on a return.

  • Basket Push Around. Start a Basket. As you step back take your left hand down (but let go) and place your right hand on her right shoulder. Bring her in towards you and swap the right hand with the left (so you can continue the motion). As her back comes around place your right on her left shoulder as you turn slightly to continue facing the same direction as her yourself. Then push with right to guide her into a half turn to face. Catch right. Return.

  • Sway Comb Lean. Start a sway not taking the woman's left hand (doesn't really matter though). Exit by turning her then return and pivot side on from her. Lean as she moves into a controlled lunge (without any support by you). Exit by sliding your left hand to her right.


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