01 January 2006

New Year Ball 2005

I was at the 2005 New Year Ball tonight (well last night and this morning really). The hall was really nice with a good layout for the dance floor and a well sized dance floor. I was warm but that's probably, in part, due to me being ill and wasn't really much to do with the hall. I was also probably quite warm because I started out wearing a dinner shirt, waistcoat and jacket. I changed to progressively cooler and more casual things as the night moved on.

Anyway on to the music which was outright stunning with the exception of Now That I Can Dance (where a woman especially came to find me know I hate that track; feel the love) and there were a few other tracks I couldn't quite get into. I found out a track I was hunting down was called Last Night by DJ Robbie (it isn't on iTunes though :( ).

Dancing was fantastic and I really hope this is an example of how 2006 will pan out. Though I felt I was being a little cheeky at times I had so many really good dances with so many different women. One woman commented very favourably on my wiggle so I'll keep it up until women are sick of it. I had a lot of dances with people I know (and really enjoy dancing with) and a good range of dances with people I didn't know. I didn't managed to get a dance with everyone I wanted to nor did I get a dance with all the new faces. I got the final couple of dances with a lovely dancer who seems to be under the crazy impression that she isn't one of my top dancers.

The was a cabaret performance from Dance Demon (who I didn't realise could sing); someone doing some Irish Soft Shoe dancing and Dancing for (with) Dummies. The last one way very funny. We also did some Ceilidh just after the bell which was good fun though threw many of us out of our element.

I felt I was chaining moves together better as well tonight and I think that's something I need to work on more in future (along with a lot of other things). Said my goodbyes and new year wishes (and kisses :D). Anyway in 2006 I hope I can take my dancing to new levels; given the line-up of weekenders; workshops and parties I fail to see how it won't be a good year.

Happy New Year.



Anonymous said...

Happy New Year Gary!

Glad you enjoyed the ball – maybe I'll make it there next year.


Ducasi ;)

Anonymous said...

Last Night - DJ Robbie - it's one of those tracks I can hear a million times and still want to dance to it! It's got a tremendous amount of feel-good fun energy.

p.s. I'm with you on the Tina Arena front too ;-)

Gary said...

The Last Night track is indeed fab. It's good to know someone (a wonderful DJ at that) agrees that Now That I Can Dance isn't really that good. Saying that I've had a lot of fun dancing to it recently though I'm not sure my partners would agree.