17 January 2006

Tuesday Night Blues

Well everyone has bad nights and this was one of mine. I couldn't get on form and had difficulty concentrating for the whole evening. My dancing felt a bit flat and I didn't seem to have any musicality or rhythm sense at all. It's not that I didn't have good dances but I felt my own form was a bit off for all of them. My partners certainly weren't to blame and in a few cases we made the most of it. This also was true in the intermediate class as well where I had a lot of difficulty with the moves. I did like the First Move though and the footwork First Moves are certain something I'll be working on. Hope the women I dance with don't get bored of it. Quick move list. I'll try and write some more details later.

  • Basket into Double Handed Lady Spin. Start a Basket. As you wrap her in don't lower the left hand. Instead turn her behind you with both hands. Turn anti-clockwise and take her hands out to your left for a double handed lady spin.

  • Argentinean First Move. Oh this move was sexy. I shall work on getting it right but I had a lot of issues with the timing. Start a First Move, when you move to pivot the woman out turn 180° to face but offset to her left with your left foot forward along side her back foot (which will be her right) with a hand on her hip with your right and a butterfly or normal grip with the left. Take a whole count pause on this then move your left foot and guide her right foot parallel so you are facing each other then push her left foot back stepping forward with your right in front of the left (a sort of cross-step); this action should take one count. Then draw parallel by moving the left before stepping backwards with your right cross stepping your left. We changed direction at this stage. I got some hints that you should take a full count on this so do a weight shift for a beat (which should lead the woman to a weight shift as well) then reverse direction and draw parallel by using your right. Then step backward with the left; parallel and end with a push out like the middle of a First Move (so you step back with left facing the same way as the women) and end as normal.

  • Armjive Step into Slow Comb Walk. Move into the woman's left side taking hands to waists then push out. Repeat on the right hand side. Put hands over both your heads (so you are facing the opposite way with a hand resting on your and your partner's far shoulders) slide out right to right and move into a comb. Travel with the comb for a bit then break contact.

A smart lady pointed out the main difference between the Argentinean moves and the Colombian moves is that in the case of the latter the follow mirrors the action of the lead.


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