12 July 2005

Ceroc Goodness

Even I found that my conversations on Ceroc were so dull over the last few posts that I made them private so no one else would read them. Lets try making this one public...

Well this was my 5th lesson. It seemed to be going well, I had some really great dances and everyone was nice. So beginners class I think we started with a First Move Push Spin followed by a YoYo then the Comb and finally the Back Spin at least I think that's what we did. The freestyle slapped it out of me. Anyway due to it being a really quiet night they didn't run a basic revisited so I joined the intermediate class. I was expecting it to be difficult, and it was, but actually less difficult than the first beginners moves I did. I'm not saying I got them perfect, my execution still needs a lot of work, but I did do them in the second freestyle event and was pretty happy with them. Lets (for my own sake) go through them and wish I remembered their names (it's in a lead perspective as well):

  • A two handed move where you shift sides with right arm extended and then locking your arm and moving the left foot forward and back a few times before twirling your partner right and keeping both of her hands above her head. Then turn clockwise (?) to unravel and finish with a twirl. The locking seemed a bit tricky and I think I'll need more practice before I can consistently get it right.

  • Start the first move them pull your partner far out with right hand on waist and left guiding her. Twist her towards then away for four twists then she twirls twice before both back off and she sort of sits against the tension you are providing. Curl the left hand in for a sort of comb then quickly release bounce back while lowering hand to catch. It was actually easier to do than describe. Of course it was easier to do because, as you might have noticed, the woman does all the work pretty much so for me it was pretty much just standing in the right place.

  • Pull with left hand to fire your partner to the right hand side, catch with right hand, she twrils in so your waists touch then you take her other (err right hand) at waist level and she leans on you while lifting her right foot. Then she unravels, is spun (since it is still right hand) and is caught with the left. There might be a twirl after, there is pretty much always a twirl.

That was it; the Comb was a slight variant on the Slow Comb I had previously learnt. The YoYo was new to me and I love it. It also give me a right handed move to do; though it only delays me needing to think of another right handed move since it is right to right. I loved the stuff in the intermediate class. When I first saw it I thought I was way out of my depth so I was really glad that I could pull it off. I'm not sure I'll go the next session's intermediate. Maybe.


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