30 December 2005

Farewell Henry Wood Hall

Hello Henry Wood Hall. It was my first time here. I'd talk about the hall but I'm just going to do what I suggested and link to Ducasi's post. So:

Although it has its faults, it’s such a great place. It’s big and roomy, with a rather good floor, (if you excuse the fact it slopes and has a hole in the middle of it!)


OK. That's just silly. The hall was large and there was a good deal of space on the dance floor. The tables are laid out around the floor giving it a good social atmosphere.

I missed the fun class; a shame because I love Franck's teaching style and generally seem to end up adopting a lot of the moves he teaches. I did get to participate in a circle for a birthday dance (not Ducasi's) and got a dance with the lady in question though I didn't dance for many beats before being self conscious about dancing and handed her over to the next guy.

I felt a bit ill (I think I'm coming down with something I hope I didn't infect anyone) which played havoc on my concentration especially at the beginning of the night. It also ate into my energy so I took a lot of breaks and hid outside. However I still had a lot of dances (it went on 'til 3am). Thought some of the dances I had were just wonderful; in many cases it was with people women that are my favorite dancers but it's great when dances just work and I felt there were a few that really did (hope that my partner agreed though :p). There were a few beginners there of a really high standard; in particularly there was one that had only been coming five or so weeks and she was following like someone who had been dancing a year; I didn't even think about suitability of more intermediate moves I threw them in and she followed them. I didn't get to dance with everyone I wanted to and felt I probably could have done a bit better at asking people I didn't know.

I think I gave the women (or at least those that wanted it) a bit more space to play and really enjoyed the feeling of a better connection and interaction that I got. However saying that one women did ask me when it would be her turn to wiggle :o.

The music selection was good. I missed a few (for a variety of reasons) that I would have liked to dance to and danced to a few that I don't like dancing to. Yes I know that everyone except me loves Now That I Can Dance; it doesn't stop me hating it though. Tiggerbabe, in particular, did it for me mainly because she provided some really wonderful dances as well as a great set. Though it got confusing as to who was playing what at the end as I think the DJs just started picking for each other's lists.

By the end of the night I really was exhausted and I'm glad it ended when it did rather than at 6am. I didn't do any double trouble for the whole night (despite my girls being there) until the last song where everyone was on the floor except two women so I asked them both to dance. It was going well (I think it was their first time at double trouble) but then we noticed a guy sitting out so one of the girls rushed to his rescue. I think everyone got the last dance.

Like Ducasi mentioned there were just the dedicated forumites there at the very end. We headed of for some food but, for some reason, ended up in two different places. We went to a noodle bar and then went home. It did mean I didn't get to say goodbye to a few people (because I assumed I'd see them again) but I was glad we left when we did as I collapsed when I got home.


24 December 2005

Edinburgh Christmas Party

Ah my 6th party and nearly my 6th month of Ceroc. I was going to take my camera but, as usual, I forgot. I did actually remember it at Stirling but then it didn't have charged batteries. Sigh. I wish I had taken it; so many people had gone to a lot of effort to dress up for the occasion. I thought our Tuesday night teacher looked fantastic in her outfit. Just as an aside yesterday I mentioned my mediocre night and one woman, jokingly, mentioned about trying to make my dance enjoyable tonight. I did have some enjoyable dances yesterday but I just wasn't in the zone and didn't really feel that I was pushing myself to my best. It was certainly no complaint on the women I had dances with. You are all lovely :).

Tonight! Well the hall was decorated with a Christmas theme. Given how much it really is a dance studio rather than anything else they did a good job. It was busy (though less so than I expected) there were some songs where I quickly picked up on how to minimise my moves. If there was a fun class I missed it as I didn't turn up 'til just after 9. I had a many really good dances throughout the evening. A good mix of slow and fast ones as well to confirm that I enjoy most types of music. Tiggerbabe confirmed that I really do enjoy moves that I can wiggle on. I've also now picked up a new habit of doing a sweeping action with my spare arm when coming out of particular moves. I actually think it might look okay but I'm also aware that I'm doing it without thinking about it and that lack of controlling my style worries me. At one stage during the night I actually had to stop dancing (I did wait until the end of the song) as my legs had gone numb and I was quite literally afraid of collapsing. I took some time out and recovered though that whole point of the night I had barely enough energy to really put a good effort in my moves and my brain wasn't really working. I had a dance to Now That I Can Dance where I tried to get my partner to strangle me; I didn't get to dance to Zoot Suit Riot :(.

Anyway it was a really enjoyable night in all. I'll have to work on my energy reserves though.

Merry Christmas.


22 December 2005

Average Thursday :(

Quite an average night. Given the recent great nights I've been having this really brought me down. I don't know if it was my dancing or some outside factor but I just couldn't really get a connection with my partners or the music and most of my dancing just felt like I was going through the motions. It wasn't a bad night; it just wasn't very good either and I felt... distracted.

  • 5 Combo First Move. First Move but step out into a strong stance. Travel turn the woman twice then move into a ballroom grip and a strong frame and sweep around the woman for a half turn. Move back into a strong stance and lead her into the cross steps (I've done before) starting with her right over left and finishing left over right. Turn her twice again before counter balancing her (and striking a pose) then move her into a left handed comb before letting go and catching left.

  • Hand Swap Catapult Crucifix Sweep. Travel return her and swap from left to right hand pushing her out behind you like the middle of a Catapult then take her to the left letting go with right and turning her with left at shoulder. While she is moving to face away move into a Crucifix but take your hands to her armpits and pivot her around before letting go with the left and spinning her with the right and catch left to right.

  • Slow Man Spin. Start Man Spin and let her walk around you while wiggling. Catch left.


20 December 2005

Following on a Tuesday

Tonight was a good night for the Christmas theme (even down to the teacher's Christmas Bauble earrings) and despite attending two other Christmas themed events this was the first one that really struck home. Perhaps it was because it was my regular venue compared to party nights (which are different anyway).

During the intermediate class the men followed for two of the three moves (there was extra men! maybe it is a follower thing :D). Following was tricky as they were intermediate moves and quite a few women had no experience of leading (and didn't actually lead the move... at all). Not like I was a confident follower mind though I didn't anticipate which did mean I spent a while standing around. After class I had another few goes at following: half of a dance following with the teacher, another song with a friend and one of my favourite dancers and, a dance with a guy who was described as having a unique style (I thought I'd get a dance with him to see what all the fuss was about; and he does have a really interesting dance style).

I was also just generally in a silly move and emphasised some of my hand work and such. I had a good time though I'm not sure all the followers I danced with agreed with my silly pauses and such. I had a couple of much more serious dances as well; they were enjoyable.

I also got a tip for following (keeping my arms closer) and a complement on my wiggle and spinning. Another person who was watching me dance said he liked the way I wrap one foot around the other leg. Yeay!

I did the intermediate moves I followed as leads so I think I got them ok.

  • Almost Pretzel Turn - Almost Pretzel. As the woman comes past take her hand up to turn her and swap from left to right hand turning her again. No return.

  • Swizzletop

  • Sway into Back Lean - Sway start with the back and forward. Take the woman in front of you as if you were the follower in a Catapult then let go with right and loop in under the woman's left arm as you turn back to back and do the same loop with the left to her right. Lean forwards allowing her to lean back behind you. Let go with left and spin with right.


18 December 2005

All That Glitters Stirling Party

Went to the Stirling party; second of my Christmas parties. It's the fist time I've been to the hall and I have to say that it was such a lovely hall. They had laid it out well including chocolate at tables. I found the floor difficult to spin on but I think it was my balance that was just off (it happens some times). The blues room was nice as well though I found the lights in it messed with my eyes.

I had some really fab dances at the beginning and middle of the evening. Ran out of energy towards the end but had some luscious blues dancing to finish the night. Loved so much of the music; the sets played had a good mix of stuff that I was familiar with and stuff that was new to me. I liked choosing between both the halls it gave me a good opportunity to dance to faster and slower stuff (I still very much enjoy dancing to faster pace music). I did start by doing a bit of double trouble in the blues room as soon as it was open. I did turn someone down for Now That I Can Dance though I was also going for a quick refresh so it seemed like a good song to do it on. Dance floor in the main hall was busy especially at the beginning of the evening but most of the dancers had a good dance floor awareness so sharing the space was fine. The hall got really warm but that's really to be expected given the number of people there.

I had a couple of compliments on the strength of my lead. Obviously I'm not driven by compliments they just make you feel all good :D.

By the end of the evening I was utterly exhausted but the whole night was fab.

Quick fun class summary. Franck really is such a good teacher.

  • Catapult, keep lady behind for a few beats while wiggling. Then as you spin the lady out keep the left hand low into a half nelson and take the lady's other hand and do some wiggling. Do a double handed return.

  • Hallilugh slowly.

  • Travelling double handed return. Take left to right shoulder while bringing the woman in to do a Hug Strip but don't take your hands back over your head. Do the wiggle thing (again) and then slink out to the end of a Catapult.


17 December 2005

Christmas Kicks At Route 66

Festive time at Route 66. My first Christmas themed dance party (though not my last for this year by any means). There were a lot of people that had gone to the effort to be dressed in Santa outfits (or Mrs Claws). I, unfortunately, had done no such thing. I did get to borrow a santa hat but it kept falling off my big head so I didn't wear it for very long. They had added some Christmas chocolates and tinsel etc. and did a good job of adding a Christmas feel to the hall which I liked. Thankfully they kept the Christmas themed music fairly infrequent.

I had some amazing dances; not just very good but leaving me walking away happy with the whole dance. It took me straight back to the way a few dances went at the BFG. Even excluding the incredible dances I had I still had a lot of really great dances. It was mostly familiar people I danced with mostly because there wasn't that many people I didn't recognise. I spent a bit of time socialising during the night as well which gave me some time to watch some of the really good dancers do their thing (and being told by someone that they watch me in the same way :o ).

On my first dance I had a go at following after my lead was shot down for a dance due to his santa hat. I managed to put in a double spin; even though I had to cheat on it :D. I also finished by following on the last dance with my girlfriend. Didn't follow anywhere in between though.


15 December 2005

Fantastic Intermediate Class

Another sound Thursday night. It was quite quiet, which was good. Unfortunately (as I'm writing this a few days later) though I enjoyed the evening it's been Blitz’d by Route 66 and Stirling. Both of which were fantastic nights (which I'll write up in due course). So on to the moves :D.

  • Accordion Walk Spin Swizzle Thing. Start an Accordion but move the woman to your left keeping your right high and putting her into a half nelson with the left. Walk in front of her and mostly with your right guide her to your right hand side letting go with the left. Offer your left hand in front of you taking her back into an Accordion. Repeat until you feel happy then exit by having her to the right in the Accordion and moving her to a Swizzle position (with left low) and double handed return.

  • Slow Hallelujah Into Lady Comb. Start with a Hallelujah comb and slowly take your left then right hand over the lady's head and move your hands (slowly in my case; because I ignored what the teacher said) to her waist and push away.

  • First Move Slide. Done this before but I did it better this time. First Move; then bring yourself parallel with her keeping your right on her waist. Step with right in front of left and lead the lady to mirror. Then move to parallel again. Each step occurs on a beat. When ready on the parallel move into a tango lunge with the woman’s leg up yours (if she likes) then exit out into a travelling return (linked to next move).

  • Travelling Return Seducer. Does what it says on the tin.


13 December 2005

Even The Venue Manager Must Dance

Had a really good middle bit of my evening dancing; it was a great high and I really was enjoying a long chain of dances. The beginning was a bit sketchy and the end saw tiredness consume my ability to dance (with brief spurts of energy). I had an amusing dance with the venue manager (where she was sitting down) and a lot of good dances with people I wouldn't normally expect to have great dances with but the connection was just there. On the other hand a I had less good dances with few people who I absoulutely adore dancing with (doesn't mean that I've stopped adoring dancing with them).

I seemed to have quick a bit of difficulty spinning tonight. I always seemed to be putting myself off balance and most of my double spins failed. I was shocked but I'm sure it was just an on this evening thing.

Quick list of interemediate moves. With the exception of my spinning the beginners class was good (I never bring it up any more).

  • Armjive Fast Teapot. Do an Armjive Swizzle taking yourself under the woman's arm to a Teapot but push with your right hand to immediately exit the teapot. Return.

  • Manspin Walk Catapult. Manspin but don't let go with the left while you let the woman walk around you while shaking your thing and offering your right hand at left (this was 4 counts) she takes your hand with her left making a sort of reverse Basket. Walk forwards starting with right for a few counts before moving in front of the woman, letting go with both hands, and taking her hands behind you to end like the end of a Catapult.

  • Firstmove Lock Underarm Wurlitzer Walkaround into Wurltizer Traveling Double Turn. Start a FirstMove as you push the woman out pivot to face her and take your right hand to just under the top of her left arm. This allows you to pivot her under both your arms taking her out (while letting go with left) and moving to the open part (with both you facing the same direction) of a Wurlitzer. Wrap her into a Basket without taking with left and walk her for a couple of counts. Then unwrap her and offer left in front high up. Wrap her in and take her right with your left to do a double traveling return.


10 December 2005

Red Hot and Blue

I went to a new dance event, Red Hot and Blue, which was bluesy dancing and made an interesting change. The venue was quite small and got a bit warm (though the DJ said he'll bring another fan next time). The floor was also a little tricky to spin on but then it's bluesy dancing so I really shouldn't be spinning as much as I did.

There were a lot of really good dancers there. I'd say there were only a handful who, like me, had a limited experience in blues dancing. I found some tracks trickier than other and sometimes I was moving a little fast for the music (one of my friends mentioned this to me). I pretty much stayed on for two dances with everyone I danced with just to get used to my partner as well as the music. I found this worked quite well and it is a shame in Ceroc classes that we feel so guilty about staying on for a second dance. The atmosphere was very friendly; I did know a lot of the dancers there so that helped I expect. The music was a good mix, quite a bit of which I didn't recognise, and though I found it challenging to dance to I had a lot of fun trying.

My lack of practice with blues moves and some of the difficulty I seemed to be having getting in the zone didn't help but I think I did alright and certain had a few dances where I felt I had a really good connection and the moves were just flowing. I shall try and brush up on my moves that work at slower speeds (including blues moves; I was a big fan of Marc's Cuban Blues workshop at the BFG) for next time which I've very much looking forward to going to :).


08 December 2005

Singles' Night

Tonight was very busy. That was mainly because it was playing host to some form of singles night. This meant that there was a large number of people who were beginners and also, I suspect in many cases, not really interested in dancing. I did dance with a few of the new people but mostly stuck to my regulars (I'm not sure if this was bad or not; to be fair I didn't get a huge amount of choice as I was asked a lot during the night). I told the DJ (the same one from Tuesday) that I found his set, on Tuesday, excellent (except for the horrible song). He played that song at the end which he chuckled about when I thanked him. Still his set tonight was great as well and different enough from Tuesday that it felt all fresh and new.

I had done two of the moves before but I found practicing them really useful and I might actually include them my routine now.

  • Neck Break Lady Under. This time we brought her back around to face and stopped her turning with the right hand then put her into a return spin.

  • Wurlitizer Caress Mambo Thing. The last description will probably do but we held the right hand high this time and we cross-body lead the woman to the other side keeping hold with the right hand and moving her into a lady spin. That was a much cleaner exit :D.

  • Lambada Drop. Both hands. Go for an In-and-Out bounce then take your hands high changing to a ballroom grip and stand so one of the woman's legs is slightly between yours. Lean her back while you counter balance by going back and take both your hands to a strong hold out to the sides. Lift your hands back up to bring her back up and slide out into a regular double handed hold. I actually found this move surprisingly safe feeling. I liked it.


06 December 2005

Hats Off For The DJ

Tonight was good with a few exceptional dances in it. I wish I had thanked the DJ at the end of the night. The music, with the exception of Now That I Can Dance, was fantastic; it was a great set and had a bit of everything to cater for different tastes in. There was quite a high women to men ratio which meant that I was very much in demand and didn't really get much of a chance to decide who I wanted to dance with. That was a shame since I was hoping to catch a couple more of the beginners than I did. However I did enjoy the dances with the women who asked me and probably happier with the dances I had as a result. I got a lovely complement on my leading :D.

Anyway the moves were nice as well. I had some difficulty with the second one for some reason, both in class and afterwards, I found it tricky to work on trying to lead it clearly and also get it right. I also had someone show me Amir's First Move and got a tip on how to add a bit more style (to the arms) in my Lap Sit which I'll have to try.

  • Arm Jive Walk - Arm Jive but draw the woman into cross-stepping and walking forwards while you cross-step back traveling the dance floor (we did this for 4 counts) then change to walk forward and exit as a normal Arm Jive.

  • Basket Basket Thing - Two handed. Lead the woman towards your right taking your right to the right side of her waist and the left over to the left side (so she is in front of you in a basket position). Extend her forward slightly then pull her into your right side rasing your right to turn her out behind you as you pivot around and put her into another Basket in front of you then extending and pulling into the right. Drop your right hand and take it in a big arc over to your left side as you move in front of her and offer the hand at the right. She takes that as you turn her in front (with just the right) and move her into a Lady Spin.

  • Push Spin - Take right hand to a flat hand hold and push spin then take the left hand up (where she'll hopefully meet it with a flat hand) and spin her. Repeat until you get bored. The ending had a trying to get her right hand with your left but I found that ending with a Yo-Yo end more natural. I also found, in freestyle, it easier to start from a Yo-Yo. I also found standing there while spinning the woman dull so I added in spinning in the other direction (away from the push-spin) and offering the other hand worked well :D. I like spinning.

  • Octopus Lady Spin - Do an Octopus; as you turn in don't take the other hand and turn the woman around for a lady spin.


04 December 2005

Boogie Nights Night

I went along to a non-ceroc party tonight organised by Boogie Nights (which had modern jivers there) in the same venue as the Ceroc parties are held. The venue was laid out quite differently and I liked it. The fantastic music set was DJ'd by Dance Demon (though some of the WCS that he played was a bit tricky to Ceroc to) and it was fun and challenging to dance to it.

Had lots of really good dances mostly with people I've danced with quite a bit before including a few of the Edinburgh regulars that I love dancing with and a woman down from Aberdeen for the event. I danced with a few of the WCSers including the girl that Ducasi mentioned in his blog. It was odd feeling the need to build up the confidence to ask a 12 year old to dance but it was as intimidating as asking any good dancer you don't know. She hadn't done that much MJ before; she's a quick learner though. I took some time to watch the WCSers and they did look good. They seemed to play with the music more as well but then it could just be that there was a bunch of really good dancers there.

Anyway WCS is something that I'd like to try and I'm sure I'll go to a class one day. The venue was quiet and there was a lot of space on the dance floor which meant I travelled more and tried a few of the walking moves I know with mixed results.

It was a really top night. I'd definitely go to another one if it happens :D.


01 December 2005

Thursday Night With A Difference

My Tuesday night teacher was teaching tonight which was great as I really enjoy her teaching style. Anyway it was a great night. Had some really fab dances. While in class we did a Man Spin and I decided to a double spin (as I'm prone to doing) and my partner at the time, who I hadn't danced with before, said she definitely had to get a dance with me later (on the back of that) and that made me feel great. A lady also said I spin better than she does later though I'm sure she was just being nice. Anyway all this and more turned it into a wonderful evening. That's two great classes in a row; lets hope it continues!

I've done all the intermediate moves before. I'm still compiling my proper move list but the summary (with some made up names of course) is The Frog Walk Something, Accordion Lap Sit and Blah Blah into Crucifix (started from a double crossed hand taking to right side and turning lady and self to face in the same way etc). I got a few complements on my Lap Sit but I think that's because I bluesify it a bit. I mentioned to the teacher that I had done all the moves before but it was only in conversation; I certainly hope she doesn't think I'm disappointed about that... I think it is really good to review moves and it also means I don't have a new set of moves to worry about practicing in addition to the backlog in freestyle.


29 November 2005

That's What I'm Talking About

Despite a few of my favourite dancers not being there tonight and me feeling a little ill I had such a good night tonight. Most of my dances were just fab (maybe they weren't for my partner but they certainly were for me). I only had a couple of dances that I didn't enjoy and only a handful that I thought were a bit average. Lots of great tunes as well and I really liked the set the DJ picked (except the last song being Now That I Can Dance; arrrrgh!). I am certainly hoping to be able to repeat nights like this.

The moves were nice as well and I certainly hope I can fit them into my routine. We ran out of time in the class and in the end dropped a bit off the third move. As I think I had it and went over it at the end of the class then I'll give the complete move.

  • Catapult First Move Thing. Start a One Handed Catapult; as the woman is behind you under tension (without the left hand) turn anti-clockwise to face switching from right to left and pulling her straight in for the start of a First Move. Push her into the outward then turn her anti-clockwise while pivoting to face her.

  • Wurlitzer Barrier Accordion. Wurltzer; as you push the woman out to the side swap from right to left hand and draw her past your right side so she makes a Barrier. Turn her out of the barrier and go into an Accordion then do a two handed return.

  • Secret Move Double Twist Into Walk Thing With Stuff. Start a Secret Move but take your right hand to a higher Yo-Yo position. Effectively Hatchback out of it keeping hold with your left. Raise your left hand as you turn to face rotating her anti-clockwise for two turns. As you turn her for a third time take her other hand with your right at waist level. As you turn her take the right hand high. As she comes to face again take the left low and let it flow around her so she ends up with her left across her abdomen and you have your left hand at her right waist and your right extended out (a bit like a swizzle out) at her right side with her back turned to you. You then quickly unwrap her clockwise and as she comes to face take the left high and the right low to repeat the action in mirror. Then as you turn her anti-clockwise to unwrap keep the right low so you put her into a half nelson as you continue to turn her then put your right on her shoulder as support and take her into a dip (with her facing your right at an angle; I've done this loads before). Unwrap and put her into a Lady Spin catching right.


27 November 2005

Edinburgh Party Number 5

So my 5th party arrived and gone. We arrived early in the evening and I started dancing pretty much straight away. I didn't take that many breaks and I was pretty exhausted at the end only having the occasional burst of energy (for my favorite songs) and probably generally not dancing as well as I should. There were a quite a few good tracks but they seem to have been spilt apart by a few fairly dull tracks as well so I found the music average really. I like tracks that I can mess around on more I guess. It was a good night; I enjoyed meeting all the people from other cities as well as seeing the regulars at the party night (maybe it’s because they are more dressed up; an effort I could do with making as well).

At the end of the night I was invited out to a post-party party as well but I was exhausted so turned it down and headed home. Still I hope that I'm invited to any future parties :).

I should note that I backdate any posts to just after the event; I didn't actually write this at the timestamp given :D).


24 November 2005

Dancing in Aberdeen

Well a quick trip to Aberdeen meant I decided to go dancing up there on Thursday. Given Thursday is the big night in Edinburgh it was interesting to see that it was the quiet night in Aberdeen (I don't think the icey roads helped attendance though). There was an interesting latin and hip-hop style of music as a whole which made a good and interesting change. Most of the songs I hadn't heard before so it was all new stuff to dance to. I did have a good fun dance when on of my favourate tracks Smooth by Santana (featuring that guy from Matchbox 20) came on. Had lots of nice dances with a woman I've met a few times before and some nice dancing with lots of lovely women I've never met before.

  • Almost Pretzel. Start a Pretzel, snatch away the right hand, turn to face then pull her back across into a lady spin.

  • Accordian Swizzle Sitdown. From a left high stage of the Accordian go into a Swizzle where you are behind the woman (it takes one and a half rotations to do this) then as you take her hand out pivot to your left as she does the same and sit her on your left knee. Extend and exit out of the Swizzle keeping a double handed stage for the return.

  • Secret Move Block. Start a Secret Move, after the woman is out on your right then pivot to face as you raise right high and left low and lock when the woman so her back is turned. Pull on left while slightly moving right to turn the woman quickly back into an accordian.

  • Sway into Swizzle Top. Start a Sway (I did a Accordian into Sway I found it worked better). Let go with left as you step back. As you move forward in the Sway take your left to a Swizzle Top position and spin her out catching left.

While waiting around for a while in a pub in Aberdeen afterwards a house song came on with the lyrics The Southport Weekender presumably they were refering to another Southport Weekender. In fact, that site has the song as the background music :D (though the one I heard was a different mix).


22 November 2005

Slow Night

Tonight took me quite a while to get into. The music was such a strange mix including a few tracks that are my current favourites to a few tracks that I really didn't enjoy (I still fricken hate Tina Arena's Now I Can Dance; I hate it). Anyway had some real gems of dances that made the evening worth it.

  • First Move Barrier into Sway. First Move take hand to hip when exiting and lead into a Barrier block. Turn the woman one and a half times and then take her hand down into a flick spin to spin her another half time moving into a Sway. Take her left hand up turning her under it and turning with her so you continue facing the same direction. Move into a double handed (sort of Accordion) move before double handed returning from that.

  • Secret Walk Spin. Start a Secret Walk by taking hands across your abdomen. Pull the woman out but then turn and face and take the woman's hands out to the right and lady spin with them.

  • Wurltzer Flick Spin into Backwards Lean to Seducer into Tandem Mambo Walk with Lady Spin. Lets break that down. Wurltzer with you going out as well. Wrap the woman in so she is on your right, hip-to-hip, with her facing the other way from you. Take her right in your left at your left shoulder in a ballroom grip and secure her with your right hand at her hip (I actually wrapped it around to her back as will become clear in a second). Lean to the left then pivot her in front of you into a seducer with left high. As you exit out turn her anticlockwise under the left hand so her back is facing after one and a half turns. Take her left in your right at her waist and your left hand down so she is in a basket like position in front. Mambo step for four beats. Begin to exit as you would a Basket take the left low but raise the right and wrap into her right side then take her in front of you and turn her one and a half time into a lady spin. What a move :D.


19 November 2005

Get Your Kicks at Route 66

Mmmmmm. Went out to Route 66 and had a fantastic time. Had some really lovely dances and though I found the music challenging I enjoyed the new stuff as a whole and dancing to the different styles. I had a lot of lovely complements including a fantastic one from a little monkey :D. I didn't get there till a little later but went on the dance floor soon afterwards. I did dance with a lot of people I knew and not that many people that I didn't know. There were a few people there who had never done any partner dancing before and I tried to lead one of them to limited success. I hope they did get some more dances in but a couple of them I think were using the time to drink so I'm not sure how well they'd dance :O. Wish I had taken my camera along but I didn't; oh well.


17 November 2005

Yeay! Guess Who's Back?

After a few not great nights I really enjoyed tonight. There were so many people I wanted to dance with but never got a chance but then I also got dances with my most of the people who I love dancing with. I also had someone say that I'm one of her top dancers (though she probably says that to all the boys) and compliments go a long way to helping you feel good about a night (and I had a few other compliments too :D). Felt my musicality was much better and things just clicked more. Dance floor was a little busy but you can't have everything.

  • Secret Walk Back Thing. Start a Secret Walk; extend the right hand out then take it high so the woman turns her back to you. Take her hand over her head and wrap it in as if she is in a Basket in front of you. Let go with your left and unravel her into a ceroc spin and spin her out.

  • Catapult into Something Else. Start a catapult but as you bring the woman into your left side take your left hand over her head so her left hand rests on her left shoulder while you keep your right low. Turn her clockwise as you turn yourself letting go with the right but then taking her right hand again and take your right hand to her right shoulder keeping your left low. Then turn her by raising the right as you both turn and you take your hands so you have a hand at your and her far shoulder. Slide out and travelling spin her.

  • Flamenco Walk. Throw your left hand out to your right side while you turn to be back to back with the woman. Take her left hand in your left then wrap her into a Flamenco Walk for a couple of beats before turning the woman out and taking the right hand at waist level to go into an accordion. We did a double handed return into the Secret Walk at this stage.


15 November 2005

Now That I Can Dance?

Well it was another fairly average dance night tonight. I'm not really sure why (I don't even have the sleep excuse anymore). My musicality just seemed a little off and at times it really just felt like I was going through the motions. The floor also seemed very slippy which felt like I was a bit all over the place at times. Strangely the beginners class was maybe one of the most enjoyable points of the evening.

Anyway it could have been a whole new move thing and perhaps on Thursday I'll get more into the groove.

Quick intermediate moves list.

  • Basket Lady Comb?. Basket but as you step back keep your left hand high and take it over the woman's head to her neck. Release her hand and bring your hand to her waist where hopefully she'll take it again as she steps forward you can then hold her in this repeating the move as you like or exit the Basket. I tried doing this with other Basket variant exits and found it difficult to move into them but I'll continue trying to combine both.

  • Mambo Swizzle Thing. Armjive Swizzle start. As you take the woman's arm out though you move (with left foot) into a Mambo Step for a few counts then you exit the Swizzle and take your right high and left low to lead into a mirror of the first part repeating again. You then repeat back to a Swizzle, hold for a single step and exit as a normal swizzle.

  • First Move Barrier Cha Cha Thing. I didn't like the Cha Cha footwork when I was down at Southport and I found it difficult tonight as well. Start a First Move but return with the left arm low then take the woman out in front and form a barrier. Spin her around from that (one and three quarter times) straight into a Cha Cha out-step (so left hand out to the right side with left foot forward). Step into face and take her other hand for a Cha-Cha-Cha then repeat with right hand to left. Do the step in again then left out to right but both of you spin and face and go straight into a two handed Cha-Cha-Cha before taking the right hand left but take the left hand high so she turns underneath it and return.


13 November 2005

Intermediate Workshop I

They were men short in the intermediate workshop so I went along to balance numbers :D.

  • Open Handed First Move. First Move. Fling out and wrap right hand to lady's right hip. Lead forward then draw the woman in and wrap your left hand around pulling her out into the reverse position stepping again. Repeat the draw in and then move into a push spin exit.

  • Single Handed Catapult. Just like in the charity ball.

  • Slow Halleluya. Take the crossed hands and raise them over the head into a comb. Take your hands and slide them to her elbows or hips while wiggling.

  • Man Wrap. Start like a Catapult and but as you push out turn anticlockwise and move into a half nelson. Wrap the woman into your right side and put your left hand on her shoulder or back to move walk around then unwrap using the half nelson then move her into a lady spin position and spin her.

  • Hatchback

  • Train. Turn into a Shoulder Drop position but walk forward instead. Then take your right hand out to the side (and back) turn to face the woman and turn her back to you and stop her with your left hand and walk her forward. Unwrap her with right and return.

  • Swizzlestick

  • Teapot

  • Backhander. Left hand. Move slightly past the woman on the right and wrap her hand into a half nelson and take with the right. Move past her as you unwrap low and then take your hand high so she turns two and a half times. Return.

  • Catapult Bounce. Catapult but in the middle stick in a move where you draw the woman directly in behind you and bounce her back.

  • Secret Walkabout Swizzle. A secret walkabout (the move where you cross your arms on your chest and then expand out; bring around swapping sides). Finish on right extended moving out into a sort of Yo-Yo and then moving into a Swizzle.

  • Accordion

  • Double Handed Sway. Start the left hand high and put the woman into a sway from both hands.

  • Catapult Walk. Catapult not offering left hand. Take her to left and wrap left hand around her (she should hopefully take it). Walk forward then turn taking both hands behind your back (so your back to back with your partner. You adopt a mirror of the position you were in and do the walk again. End by pushing her out and swapping from right to left return to a double handed hold.

  • Walkaround. Walk her to your left hand side taking your left hand high and your right hand to your left waist. Walk her around behind you letting go with right and when she comes around to right turn her in front of you and move to a lady spin then spin and catch right.

  • Lasso Sway. Start a return and turn her more to turn move her straight into a sway.


Charity Ball

I went to a charity ball event tonight. Apart from failing to get dressed up (which probably comes as no surprise to people who have been to party nights with me). Tiredness is still effecting my dancing (will sleep soon) though I did have quite a few good dances and the set was good. However I was asked to join a team at Blackpool this evening (which I can't make) but it still made my night :D.

Class consisted of some likable moves.

  • Basket Pull Through. Start Basket step back then move the lady forward directly in front of you under tension before flinging her back and turning to face her catching left to right. Travel return her.

  • First Move Block. Start a first move but move into a side position (like a strong frame) and as you bring the woman forward block with the knee (though really you are stopping with your arms). Then move her back slightly before exiting the first move as normal. Return.

  • Left Hand Catapult Dip. Do a left handed catapult but turn to follow woman as you pull her under and pass from left to right hand extending the right hand out for a spin. Spin her and move in for a seducer of the spin. Spin her out and catch right.

  • One Handed Catapult Into Flick Spin . Right handed catapult but don't take with left hand. Rather just use the right and take that over your head as you move back. At the woman comes forward turn her and then flick spin catching left.


10 November 2005

Dancing Leads To More Dancing

It was a good night again tonight; however I'm still a little tired and that is still effecting my dancing. I shall try and catch up on some sleep. I also found some of the tracks a little too consistent with previous weeks; I prefer a mix of new and known stuff.

I also found out that someone I dance with is a physiotherapist and I asked her about my knee (at the end of the evening rather than just interrupt her dancing). She kindly went over it with me. It's apparently some patellofemoral thing (there's an article called (Partellofemoral Pain Syndrome if you are interested) caused by an imbalance in my quadriceps and calves (my calves are over developed and my quadriceps are like lard or something). She gave me some static exercises to work with to try and develop the quadriceps muscles to remove the imbalance. They basically involve trying to put the knee down while keeping the foot tense (though I'm going to try and do some more reading on this online to get it right). She's really fab anyway but especially so for taking the time to talk shop with me :D.

I was also invited to help in the Intermediate Workshop on Sunday. It's an early start but I look forward to help in the class and I'm delighted to be asked.

Quick move list.

  • Didn't get the name last time either but we did this move here as well (the last move on the list). The first part of it basically a Yo-Yo while holding the other hand. In this variant we wrapped straight in for a basket at the end and then unwrapped her out and returned as normal.

  • Start like a Basket but as you step back place your left hand on her right shoulder (with your arm in front of her) and draw her forward and into a spin with that before stepping slightly behind her and placing your right hand on her left shoulder and spinning her out catching right.

  • Start a Wurlitzer stepping out yourself as well. Wrap the woman into your arm at shoulder height and then let go as she is being brought in still bringing your arm around her neck. Wrap her until she is turned to face your right hand side and place your right hand on the top of her back (you can also place the left high on the back as well). She takes your arm in her hand or hands as support (her call) and you dip her back possibly using your knee as a break (depending on how low you want to go). Correct and then lead her into a Neck Break style unwind.


09 November 2005

New Day; New Dance Blog

This is my new dance related blog. I decided to move it from LiveJournal to here because blogger gives a better access to the look and feel of the page and generally more control. I will start making new posts here and will backdate my old posts here as well (there are a couple that need to be written up still anyway). In the meantime you can still access my Ceroc and Salsa posts though I might well start to delete the ones that don't have comments. I'm going to stick with putting longer posts and, more likely, the move lists under a cut. People who access the feed should see the complete post and the full article will (obviously) have the full post.

08 November 2005


Tonight's dancing was a bit average. I had a lot of good dances (not great but good) but my moves and energy seemed a little lacking. Still I've been here before so I'm sure it'll pick up again. The numbers were balanced (men a little over at times in the beginner's class) which was great I prefer that to a thousand extra women. Even then there were a lot of women that I would have loved to dance with that I never got the chance to.

Someone also said that a bunch of the women said they really enjoyed dancing with me. Yeay!

  • First Move Tango Walk. Start a First Move but upon pushing out pivot to face and adopt a strong frame and a butterfly grip. Put the woman's weight on her right foot and then pivot her anti-clockwise so she cross-steps backwards with left behind right. Then redistribute her weight to her left foot and backwards cross step right then left again before kick-sweeping right around and moving back into your frame and then turning the woman out. Take both hands on a return.

  • Basket Push Around. Start a Basket. As you step back take your left hand down (but let go) and place your right hand on her right shoulder. Bring her in towards you and swap the right hand with the left (so you can continue the motion). As her back comes around place your right on her left shoulder as you turn slightly to continue facing the same direction as her yourself. Then push with right to guide her into a half turn to face. Catch right. Return.

  • Sway Comb Lean. Start a sway not taking the woman's left hand (doesn't really matter though). Exit by turning her then return and pivot side on from her. Lean as she moves into a controlled lunge (without any support by you). Exit by sliding your left hand to her right.


03 November 2005

Dancing On A Thursday

Tonight was really good; I had some fab dances and one that just really connected and worked. It had been a while since I had danced with the woman and she got all cheery and said how much I had improved and how much she enjoyed the dance. I shall definitely ask her to dance more in the future.

I feel that Thursday night's playlist could do with a bit of a change though; maybe just a slightly wider pool of tracks would help. I mean, I like dancing to familiar tracks, but the introduction of tracks I haven't heard presents a challenge and keeps the music fresh. Salsa often drives me mad due to the similarity of the tracks; I'd hate to think that Ceroc would end up doing the same.

  • Wurlitzer Back High Hand Thing Into Basket. Wurlitzer start then pull the woman under your right hand (apart from it being right to left it's just like a Catapult) and offer your left hand high on your right shoulder. Bring her in and she takes that hand turning anticlockwise (both of you) to move her straight into a Basket. In the lesson we directly moved out of the basket rather than remained in it and returned.

  • Under Arm Thing. Move in a bit like a First Move but keep the left hand low. Put your partner's right hand behind her back in a half nelson and take it with your right. Unravel her and as she comes around move underneath your hands then take the hand out for a Lady Spin. Spin her and catch right.

  • Man Spin Butt Wiggle. Start a Man Spin but get the woman to walk around you (while still keeping hold of the hand) and wiggle while she does so. As she comes around again take her other hand and let go with the left then bring her back to back and spin her catching left to right I assume.


01 November 2005

What's With The Techno?

I think the DJ was being a bit experimental with a couple of tracks. Including a very strange techno one. This was another post that I delayed for nearly a month and therefore I can't remember that much about the evening. Anyway I jotted down some notes on the moves.

  • First Move Travel Return Walk First move out the back to shoulder. Travel return for two twirls. As you twirl her travel right of her so you can take her hip as she is turning to face then take her out to your side, back to shoulder and repeat the move. Exit with a regular first move exit.

  • Wurlitzer Thing. My other notes for this were useless so I think it is: Wurltzer start take her behind you using your right hand. Extend it out so you are back to back then lady spin her with that hand. I could just be making this up though.

  • Accordion. When your right hand is low you pull her forward letting go with the hand (keeping hold with the left hand though). Take your right hand to her back (with your hand on her upper back but with the rest of your arm as support). Take her into a brief lean before stepping back into an accordion.


30 October 2005

Ceroc Party Number 4

Well a write up of the BFG is coming. I've voice recorded them at the moment so I don't forget them. My fourth party representing my fourth month of dancing, pretty much, as well. Unfortunately it wasn't the best party nor did I think I was particularly on form. The night started badly when in my second dance I nearly dropped someone; now I know that it happens and I didn't actually drop her but it still made me a little on edge. However as I try not to make drops a large part of my dance anyway then my lack of desire to do them didn't really affect my night that much. I think generally I just had difficulty concentrating and it took me quite a few dances before I felt more on form. Saying that I did have one woman mention I had a reputation (which was good apparently :D) as I asked her to dance. The music was very much what I've come to expect from an Edinburgh party night; I like a lot of the tracks but I felt there could have been some new stuff thrown in. Tried a bit more double trouble too and that seemed to go quite well; I ended up double troubling on the last track (excluding the twilight dance) and felt quite good at the end. So started bad and progressed to better throughout the night. I had a very good time post party as well :).


27 October 2005

Such a Late Post :D

I can't even remember this evening given the fact I'm writing it a month later however I did take notes on the moves.

Not a great lineup of moves this evening. One isn't lead-able in freestyle and the last one was tricky and I'm not convinced about how much time was spent on it compared to how much time should have been spent on it.

  • Clothesline Let Go Thing. Start by signaling by doing a clothesline with right arm (left handed move). Left hand to left shoulder with lady stepping to right. Pivot with left foot throwing the lady out and then click your fingers over your head. Then pivot back as she pivots forward and click your hands behind your back. Then spin and catch. Not that most of the move involves no contact. She needs to know the move to do the pivot and I expect by the time she has worked it out the move will be over.

  • First Move Lunge Log Step. First move out then twirl her once go into a ballroom hold for a brief lean then push her our and lead her into a log step then twirl her out.

  • Open Hold Mambo Turn. Step into a open hold (both hands out to your sides). Mambo step then pivot her around as she goes down on one foot using the momentum to carry her around as you step over her outstretched foot and bring her back up. Exit out with a return.


25 October 2005

BFG Blues :(

Went to ceroc tonight and really did have some great dances. I feel it is important to mention that before going on to say that I was hoping I improved a little more. When I was dancing on Sunday (at the BFG which I will finish writing about) I felt there were only a couple of dances that went wrong and so many that just felt so right. Maybe it was the music or atmosphere. Maybe my sleep deprivation just made me think everything was great. I suppose my biggest disappointment in myself is that I had the best dance with someone from Edinburgh on Sunday and I was really hoping for that same feeling tonight. Though the dance wasn't bad; it just wasn't... that. Also someone commented that I was rushing the moves by half a beat; some times just not completing the moves on the beat etc. I shall work on this; I think it is, as she said, that I'm thinking about getting into the next move rather than that pause. Anyway met a couple of first time people that had a fantastic following skills; though they were a bit uncertain I still lead them through a few intermediate moves. Hope both of them return.

  • Twirl Wrap Walk Spin Thing. Do a two handed travelling twirl past your right hand side and turn and face the woman. Take your right hand up turning the woman's back to you and taking both hands to her shoulders (so her arms are crossed in front of her). Slide your hands from hers to her shoulders and pivot her right then left then right before spinning her out.

  • Pretzel Walk with Barrier. Start a Pretzel when you lift the right take it to your shoulder as you pivot clockwise (180 degrees?) then take your lowered left hand to the lady's far shoulder before doing a walk around and sliding the left hand into the lady's left. Guide her to your right side and kept hold so she forms a barrier then spin her out of that and catch right.

  • Return Lasso Dip. Right hand. Return her as you do take her hand down to her left side causing her to spin; move in and wrap her arm around your neck and take a standard seducer stance and lower her then correct. Spin her out.

I suppose it could also be factors outside of dancing that have actually affected my night. It hasn't been a good week so far.


20 October 2005

Why Was It So Warm?

This is what you get for writing a Thursday post on a Monday. You've forgotten much of the event. As a result it is just a list of moves being, as it was, overshadowed by the BFG (write up coming).

  • Start a basket (another basket variant!) and step as usual then push the woman to the left using the right arm turning her at taking your left to her left shoulder. Take your right up to twirl her clockwise (?) as you twirl behind her (so traveling). You basically then rotate her into another basket. Exit like the end of a Wurlitzer.

  • Start a Sway but walk her backwards for a couple of counts. Then still walking her let go with left and take your right into a half nelson before ducking forward underneath it. Take your hand out in front while taking her other hand. Do some cross step log walk before taking hands high and into an Accordion. Double handed return. Drop the left.

  • Lean Dip. Like last time; sort of we offered the left hand and moved straight into a first move in this variant.


19 October 2005

Salsa and Chips

Well my third week of Salsa in my current class. Unlike last week were we didn't really learn anything in the way of moves we learned quite a few this week. Since there is a long intermediate class after the beginner and nothing for us beginners to do but watch or (yeah right :)) chat then I didn't wait around for freestyle. As such I didn't really get to practice any moves or enjoy a freestyle :(.

We worked on a cross body double twirl for the woman which is lead like a cross body lead except without a frame take the hand high and twirl her around using the raised hand pushing away; moving her past you and moving in to meet her. That's done on beats 5-8. We then did a right turn for the guys directly leading to a right turn for the woman then another cross body twirly move using the right hand to right hand. Then; still right handed we did another right spin for the guy swapping to left; moving left to a half nelson behind the back (this is on beats 1-3) and then on beats 5-7 bend down taking your hand around your back (you should have your right hand inside this; trapped when you start it) and drop the lady's hand on your shoulder; collect and move into a framed stance with a mambo step. It was a good routine I just wish I could have practiced it :(.


18 October 2005

Venue Chaos

Tonight the venue was in a bit of disarray. The taxi dancer was also the venue manager which meant that she couldn't take the beginner revisited class during the intermediate. The beginner class went on past what would be freestyle and into intermediate. The intermediate class went on well past half nine. Furthermore the beginners couldn't do the revisited class until after the intermediate class. I was tempted to offer to taxi but, again, it would be on my own and I don't think I'd be very good (there would be a way to find out though). Had some good dances and noticed that there are some really good beginner followers out there. Danced with my ickle sister and one of my long term friends in some double trouble which was good fun even though I was making up most of it. Being super busy with women I didn't get the chance to dance with half of the people I wanted to including a big bunch of beginners which I really wanted to. Seriously I should give this taxi thing a go.

Beginners moves :).

  • Catapult Trickster. Start the catapult; move forward under tension. Take the right hand over your head and the left hand at the woman's left hip. Twirl her in front but as her back is turned use your thumb (!) on her right hand to stop her and take her hands back as if she was leading a catapult. Take your right hand out and over her head bring your left hand in front of you. Twirl in front of her with your right hand high then take both hands behind you as you move into the catapult under tension position. From there exit as a catapult.

  • Basket Case. Start the Basket but on the step back release with the left hand and put that to her right shoulder. Step her forward using the right and then spin anticlockwise using the left. Step to her left and put your right hand (flat hand facing down) to guide her forward before turning her to face and taking with the left.

  • Same tango style first move thing that we've done previously. Still bad at it; still love it.


13 October 2005

Ceroc On A Thursday

Why not leave the post till super late again? It was stupidly busy tonight. There was probably as many women as last week and then more men had turned up to make it so packed that you could hardly move on the dance floor. It was an enjoyable night with some enjoyable moves. I can't believe that we still consider the In-and-Out as a move. I suppose the other three basic moves were quite complex but they could have at least done a Sidestep or something. Intermediate moves were really good.

  • Basket. Drop left and begin unwrapping with right hand swapping the woman's hand to your left and turning her clockwise one and a half times. As she comes around move into an Accordion (with right hand low). We just turned once and dropped the left.

  • Get ready with the Yo-Yo offering left hand behind back. Woman takes left as you push her out. Step to the right while raising the right hand (keep left low) and pull the woman left at the same time. Guide the woman forward with left turning her clockwise (for one and a half turns) taking her left hand into a half nelson and her right into a lady comb. Walk her past your left hand side letting go of the left as she moves past and turning her half a turn (clockwise?) using the right. Hopefully her hand is still in the half nelson behind her back as you keep your left hand in contact with her and collect her hand as soon as you can. She is now facing again where you can repeat the lady comb and walk her forward to the left. When you tire of this you quickly spin and a half her and return.

  • Start a catapult but as the woman is behind take the right hand out to the right side (behind you) and take her into a lady spin moving quickly in to take her upper back in your left hand and your right on her hip while she takes her hand behind your head. Go for a quick dip/seducer then correct and spin using right. Catch left and return.


12 October 2005

Salsa Wednesday

Right salsa it is. First of I found out that we are doing New York (Cross Body) style of salsa. Given that I don't know anything about the Cuban style that's popular I'm not really sure where the differences are. Anyway first they teach an interesting dancers frame (higher arms elbows out) and leading with the shoulder for a spin. Apart from my lack of balance I was finding I could project myself through a double spin occasionally. Had totally forgotten the left hand turn from last week. I think the key point being that I kept trying to put a spin into it (there really is only a pivot). I probably asked less people this week than I did last being content to chat to people. I really should have danced with more people though. At times I also find trying to get the correct beat in the music difficult and in moves that are prone to falling out of beat I often don't correct. I'm also prone to rushing through the silent beat as well.

They did do a good job at telling you about using the balls of your feet rather than heels and how to distribute your weight; frame technique and such. Even if I can't, at the end of it all, still get that salsa feel I think I'll still walk away feeling that I've learnt a lot. They teach a good grounding in the theory of dance :D.

Anyway we did a cross body lead which involved using the first part of a left turn but stepping out to the side creating a gap for the woman to walk through. Guide her with the frame (so pushing on her high back and pulling with your left hand) then turn her to face and move back into "the line". Revisited some of the stuff from last week. I also lead a left turn using the ladies left hand and a right handed turn for the lady where you break her turn with a flat right hand (to her left) and turn her around for a left hand turn. The intermediate class did a multiple cross body lead that I tried to shadow with a friend. Basically its the cross body but rather than pivot to face your partner you pivot to the other side and keep an open line so you can cross lead your partner again then do the same again (you are transfering momentum at this stage) and release into an open hold. I'd say that I successfully did it about 25% of the time :(.


11 October 2005

Not A Great Dancing Evening

Something wasn't quite right last night. I'm not sure if I just wasn't focused or it was the miserable weather (yes; I'm aware it is indoors) but I didn't feel particularly on form. This especially was true during class where I was hopeless with one of the moves which is the first time, in a while, where I've struggled with an intermediate move to the extent that I was prepared to give up on it. This was particularly crippling as I didn't actually think the move was that difficult maybe just to much unnatural feeling movements. I managed to mess up the second move for a while but then I realised I was offering my right hand; doh.

Despite not feeling on form I did have a surprising number of good dances. I was also snatched up by a few women for dances too which always feels good :D. So despite feeling like I was struggling and wasn't dancing at my best I did have a good time. Just hope my partners found it enjoyable too.

  • Armjive into Teapot except try and get the woman's left arm into a half nelson. Then pull with left hand drawing her to your left as you lower this hand and move into a half nelson with left behind her back and right in a half nelson behind yours. You then turn anticlockwise and duck under your arm to come out in front of her taking right hand between you and then high to unwrap her (still with both hand). Lower right step back and return dropping right for a left to right hold.

  • Sidestep Flamenco Walk. Liked this one. Start with a Sidestep then pull the woman past you to your right hand side. Put your left hand on her shoulder and run it down her left arm (as she'll be naturally inclined to take a right to left normally). You end up with a left to left hand hold. Raise your hand and take her into a traveling twirl putting right hand on her waist (her left side) and move right hip to her right hip and walk around with the left hand high (same as a technique done in a catapult a while back). Let go with left but keep walking with right at hip then spin her out of it.

  • I'm not sure why I had so much difficulty with this move but I did; it really consists of two independent parts and the second part (from leading the woman forward with arms crossed) I was ok with and I liked it. Start both hand hold take left hand over right turning clockwise 180° taking your left to your right shoulder. On the next count take your right high and behind you turning the woman anticlockwise and yourself clockwise while transferring your hand from your shoulder to hers. Take the right that you were raise as you turn her away from you (so you are behind her) over her head and to her waist. Then take your left from her shoulder down so she has her hands crossed in front of her. Then raise both hands high turning her (clockwise? or was it a return) resulting in your hands being crossed. Walk her to your right hip then raise hands turning her putting her left hand on her right shoulder and continue to turn to face with her right hand flat. Gently push spin this unraveling her taking her left high and allowing her to quickly twirl under than. Step back and your into a normal left to right.


06 October 2005

Missing Dances

Another stupidly busy Thursday. Once again meaning that there was so many people I didn't get to dance with and I came away feeling guilty again. There were a couple of girls I was really looking forward to dancing with but we never got the chance. Then afterwards they were talking with me about when we'd next be available. I asked if they were going to the salsa club (since both of them know a little salsa) and I'd dance a bit of salsa with them there. But somehow I missed them there and felt really bad. I'm hoping that I get dances with the both of them in the near future.

I did see a few people from my salsa class there and had a dance with one of them which was really good fun.

Tonight's playlist was fab. Maybe I was just in the mood to dance but what the teacher was playing tonight really worked for me. It still had his own slant towards fast tunes but he's added a few in there that I really liked and kept much of the good old stuff too. We had quite a bit of old skool Rock and Roll which I found really enjoyable for a change. Still hoping that Tiggerbabe finds the time to do a few sets in Edinburgh.

I also got a compliment on the way I clearly lead the Man Spin. Yeay!

Catapult, Step Across, First Move and, Shoulder Slide. Then intermediate which I had quite a bit of difficult with even though I had lots of practice as they had to move a billion women on or something.

  • Start with Basket. As you come out of it take your left to her right shoulder then lift right over her head as you turn away from her place your right on your left shoulder and then; your left on your right so you have your hands crossed in front of you and your partner facing your back. Let go with with both spin to face with her left hand still on your shoulder and taking her right in your left (quickly) and right on her hip and move into a mambo step (start forward) for a few before pulling her past into a turn then return and (in this case) manspin to get to right.

  • Bring the woman past with the right while swapping hands behind your back (so you turn away from her). Take your left hand out with your back is turned to her so she has her back turned to you as well. Spin her but keep hold and put your right hand on her shoulder to stop her spin. Push her firmly but gently back out into the previous position. Spin as normal catching right.

  • Move into a Sway. Execute the Sway as normal. When coming out of it nudge the woman forward keeping hold of both hands resulting in the sort of tension position a woman would see in the Catapult except with really weird arm position move forwards changing to a flat to flat hand (with your hands upwards) bringing your hands in a position to the side and just underneath of her breasts. Step back and begin to squat on your knees while she moves into a Drop Kick. Correct and turn out right-to-right (in this case we did a quick hand swap to left).


05 October 2005

Salsa Is Not Ceroc

I've got a backdated ceroc entry nearly ready to go. That will appear before this post.

Went to a Salsa class tonight which I'm trying out for a while. Went to the absolute beginner's class even though I have done some salsa before. Last time I stated that I did enjoy my dances even though they felt as hopelessly limited as my Ceroc did when I started that. Well this time it was worse. There were lots of very experienced dancers there tonight and I felt that I gave them some really dull dances. I also found some of the music a little challenging to pick up the beat on. Like the first time I went I still had a little difficulty not trying to start something else on the 4th beat. Anyway even though I danced a little ceroc at one stage (only because the woman was interested) I'm still looking forward to giving it another go.

Moves; like the last time. On twirling a woman you take your left hand left, right then up (on each beat) to indicate she should go into a spin (it feels a bit like trying to execute an uppercut on Streetfighter) where she'd perform a right spin which consists of a step forward (left foot) pivot on both feel to face the other way (second beat) and then push with the left foot spinning 180° on right to face partner. We also did a spin as a man that when stepping back on right (5th beat) you pivot on both feet swapping the woman's hand to your right hand behind you then spin clockwise to face. We also did the Mambo step with a high frame with right hand on shoulder blade and left in a ceroc like hold. Finally we also did a left turn which takes a full eight beats. Start left forward; tap right; left back to behind the right and at an 90° to the left. Cross step the right over the left to turn away; tap left and straighten it (to be able to put your weight on it); spin using left foot 180° to face partner.


04 October 2005

Another Note Post

It was an enjoyable night though I did seem to be settling into doing the same moves rather than using many of the other moves that I've learned. I shall work harder on using the moves I've pushed aside. Quite a lot of new women tonight and I enjoyed dancing with them.

Firstmove Push Spin, Yo-Yo, Comb, Step Across.

  • Left hand. Traveling twirl the woman past you and take her hand in a wide circle to the right turning it behind her (in a half nelson) and causing her to turn her back to you. Both of you walk forward for a count. Pull down and out with her hand causing her to turn to face. Twirl her past and repeat. Twirl her past again to exit the move.

  • Pretzel. Since I don't think I've ever done a Pretzel in class even though I do them fairly often. Offer right hand at waist level behind back. Woman takes this hand. Move back-to-back lowering left hand and then raising right moving the woman to your right. Draw right hand slightly around and turn to your right to face your partner. Lead her forward with left turning your back to her to turn to your left. Take her out and around anticlockwise.

  • Flingy Flung. Wurlitzer start. Upon pushout continue to face partner; spin her into her own arm until she has her back turned. Put your left hand on her left shoulder causing her to stop. Lightly push outwards causing her to spin away again (still holding on). Flick her hand down and forward causing her to spin (again) and catch right to right.

  • Right handed push in and out as a filler.

  • Offer left hand above right she takes. You twirl both hands about her head until she comes around to face then you then keep turning her turning yourself in the same direction taking hands over heads so both your and her left hand is on her left shoulder and your and her right hands are on your right. Drop your left to the woman's upper back (between shoulder blades). Drop right and take woman's left hand in right. Dip her back as you lean on your left knee (for possible support). Raise and use right to turn her one and a half times moving to a lady spin and spin her.


29 September 2005

Thursday Night With Tiggerbabe

I had this saved as a private entry for a while just because I didn't have time to do a proper write up. Taken me a while to get around to actually finishing it.

Like most Thursdays there were far too many women. You might think this a good thing for a guy, I certainly find that never needing to sit out on a dance a good thing, but you find you try and build a list of people you'd like to dance with in class and find you never get around to dancing with half of them. Resulting in you feeling, at the end of the evening, like you haven't danced with most of the women there (probably true). Anyway there isn't really anything that can be done about except for some of the women to go to other nights (or for more men to attend on a Thursday but then I think the dance floor is busy enough).

The music was done by the fab Tiggerbabe tonight. It was a really good set though probably more challenging than what we are used to on a class night (I felt there was more songs with a tempo change and breaks in than we normally get); that certainly wasn't a bad point I enjoyed the challange. A really fab selection of songs but maybe Tiggerbabe should do some more sets in Edinburgh just so we can check it isn't just because she's an infrequent DJ to us (:non-existant whistle thing:). She also came to find me for the last song and we had a really good dance together. I'm always really flattered when anyone asks me to dance but when such an incredable dancer does I'm also surprised as well.

I doubt I would have remembered the Beginner's move by this stage if it hadn't been for the fact that a followed a woman (in freestyle) who was trying lead for the first time in class. The moves were Yo-Yo, Slo Comb, Basket and, Man Spin.

  • The same move as the first move I did on the 25th of August (which I never named back then either). It is worth metioning after turning the woman both her hands should be at waist level and you should take a count before moving into the steps.

  • We did the Accordian Seat like I did back on the 9th of August. As a note they taught a much stronger dimond shaped frame the the Accordian that I might have missed last time. Also take both the woman's hands above her head when her back is turned to you. It also had a varient ending where after you sit when you've taken your left hand to her right hand side transfer her left to your right. As you stand up begin turning to the left to move around the woman and change direction. Twirl her a one and a half times then put her into a spin catching left.

  • First Move Tango Walk into Lean. Some nice footwork in this. It is a shame that I'm so bad at footwork. Still it gives a good oppertunity to practice. Start like a first move; push the woman out and change to a ballroom grip with the left (at first I didn't understand why but it is for the lean). Bring the left low so you are facing your partner with your right on her hip and left in the ballroom around waist level (?). Push on the woman's hip and draw in with the left hand; at the same time stepping crossing your right foot behind your left; the weight change you caused the woman should be mirroring this. Guide with the left hand causing both of you to correct the cross step by stepping left with the left foot. Pull in with the right and push out with the left this time causing the woman to step forward (with her left) while cross stepping yourself with right in-front of left. Then step with left to get out of a cross step. Each of the cross-step then correct happens on one count (so each step happening on a beat). Do the same as the first time pushing out but move the right hand to the small of her back while taking the left hand high to dip her slightly in-front of you as you bring the left knee behind her (effectively allowing her to sit on it if she wanted to). Correct then move out like a normal first move. I've sort of forgotten this posture correctly. Footwork sort of still being a bit of a novelty I had a bit of difficulty with the move. I'll see if I can run over it with someone that knows and update my notes :D.


27 September 2005

The Man Double Spin Is Back!

I had a good night tonight; mainly due to a lot of fun dances which certainly make my night. At the same time I did a double spin of a Man Spin again and that filled me with a bit of joy. I also got a woo! from the teacher while doing a Strip Hug which made me instantly get embarrassed and pretty much stop the move. Also after a recent discussion I went over Check-Check so I could lead them even though they seem to fill some women with a passionate hatred. I got a bit of feedback (that I asked for) for my leading and my partner picked up a bit of uncertainly in a few of my moves causing me to lag by half a beat and also told me to keep the arm low for the Swizzle Walk Around which seems like some sound advice and she said generally the uncertainly with fade with more experience. I sure hope so.

I also feel guilty that much of my attention was stolen away from the beginners who I would have liked to dance with. I think it is really important for a friendly atmosphere and as a learning experience for both of us.

First Move Push Spin, Back Pass, Octopus and, Side Step.

  • First Move Spin Around. First Move. After pushing out twirl the woman to your left while walking around her and snapping back into the left arm at your shoulder and your right arm at her waist. Push out and repeat. Keep doing until content that you've made her dizzy (or whatever stage you feel is good) and exit using any number of First Move exits (just standard in this case).

  • Neck Break Lady Under. Start neck break with right hand "high five" signal and move in putting that over her shoulder and putting your left at your shoulder (I'm pretty sure I didn't do this before). Turn her to be hip-to-hip placing your right on her right shoulder at this stage and your left on her left. Move her in (like a normal Neck Break) but then turn her clockwise letting go with left and then (as she comes around) gently pushing down with right allowing her to duck and you to move your hand around her. As she turns away again spin her and catch right.

  • Right hand offering left at right waist. Take hands in around your chest and then push out with the right causing you to be hip to hip. Turn 180 to face partner and take right hand to the right and lock in a push hold. Push and bring left up keeping both hands high then move hip-to-hip taking both your and her right hand to your right hip and your left somewhere in her direction (I don't know :)). Lean right hopefully she'll take a step forwards. At the same time take your right over your head. As you correct from the lean take your left over her head (like a few other moves we have done). Slide out into right to her left hold. Spin her and catch left (though at least a few times I went straight into a dip).

I liked these moves :).


26 September 2005

I Like to Boogie

Hadn't been to a Monday night for a couple of weeks or so; so I went to tonight's lesson. Had some really good dances; one that I really wished, during it, that it would end and; one that I managed to inflict minor injury on the follower :(. My set of people who I really enjoy dancing with is growing and that's great. There was a beginner who was doing amazingly for her first lesson she was coping with a variety of beginners moves she wasn't taught; a few of the easier intermediate. The dance I wished would end was with a beginner (it was my second dance with her) so I felt a little guilty; I was trying to give her some pointers but I don't think she really cared for them. Ah well it wasn't that bad.

On another note a lack of taxis meant that the beginners were sitting out at the intermediate just watching. There were a couple of off duty taxis there who I felt maybe should have taken it upon themselves to cover. I know that they don't need to but it doesn't seem very committed. I was going to ask if they wanted me to do it but I wouldn't want to try and take a class on my own as a non-taxi who was covering.

Armjive Push Spin, Slo Comb, Step Across and, In-and-Out. The Slo Comb involved using the left hand to wrap around the lady behind her back. I hate this. I much prefer the hand-on-hip variant where you are are saying "stay for a few beats" but if the woman feels uncomfortable then she can just push off and escape (I don't think many women feel uncomfortable with me, I hope anyway, but I like to give them the option). Anyway I mentioned this to the teacher at the end and he agreed with me (maybe just to get me to go away). I hope he didn't think I was being critical of his class as I think he's a really good teacher and I had a really good class. Speaking of which; the non-trappy moves are:

  • Step Across Turn. Step Across as you turn to face the woman keep the hand high so she turns. Return.

  • Turn Messy Arm Thing. Right handed. Offer left at your right hip. When she has taken that hand and come in move the right then the left up and around her head turning her 2½ (?) times before taking your right hand over her head and your left over yours (so you are facing the same direction, hip to hip, with arms over the shoulder). Let go of the right and offer it in between you both at waist level. She takes that as she pivots back. Pivot her forward then begin unwrapping her (clockwise?) with the right while then also doing it with the left further up. Keep turning her until you can put her into the Crucifix. At this stage wait a count then put both your hands on top of each of her elbows walking her (in a cross step) left, right, left before spinning her. Catch right.

  • Back Dip. Offer left over right at your elbow; pivot her out then take her hands bringing her in front of you as your left to her right shoulder; carry on turning her so her back is facing to you as take your right to her left shoulder. She'll have her hands crossed in front of you as you have your hands crossed behind her. Using the arm as a support on her upper back take her into a slight dip. Correct then twirl her using the left hand high; take right again to go into an Accordion. Twirl her so hands are crossed. Walk side to side for a few beats then Hallelujah out.


25 September 2005

Edinburgh Party Number 3

I've nearly finished my Southport write up (on to Sunday) but I went to the Edinburgh party tonight. I didn't get much sleep last night and I think it resulted in me being rather tired this evening for the party. Everything started off well but I found I lost focus and couldn't concentrate probably making poor dances. Anyway I had a selection of lovely dances including from some other people from Glasgow and a really great dance to end the evening after the lights had gone up.

  • Catapult into Swizzle Walk. Catapult taking right hand out then over your head. Pivot the follower on that and move into a Swizzle. Bring the hand left then right for four beats (just like another move we did) then return still holding on to the lower hand and go straight into a Comb. Release and catch left.

  • Almost Pretzel Sway Walkaround. Offer right behind back but snatch away turning and swapping hands pulling the woman in for a Sway. Walk around for a couple of beats before going into a regular sway and exit.

  • Ceroc Spin with a right handed catch. Errr.


22 September 2005

Post Ceroc Drinks Make You Tired

Right again I've left this late enough that I don't really have that much time for the post. Strange set of music tonight. Finished with a lovely slow number (something about sleeping or slumbering) when the lights were up and tried out a few drops and slinky moves on a willing partner. Short night and I didn't dance with a bunch of people I'd love to and a bunch of beginners that I felt I'd of liked to but that's what busy nights get you.

Armjive with a Swizzle, Basket, Shoulder Slide and, Catapult.

  • Armjive Swizzle Walk. Start with an Armjive Swizzle but after you have extended the arm fold it in and bring it out to your right marching the woman around for a step before folding it back into a standard armjive then back out to the right and so on so she is constantly walking around you. Exited by unwrapping but then directly moving into a Basket.

  • Wurlitzer Tango Slide Thing. Wulitzer. Wrap the woman in letting go with right and take it to her right hip (where she should hopefully take it) and take the left in the left hand (so like the hold on a Sway). Slide to the left bending with left arm over the head to the right to give a sort of C shape. Then put right foot in front of left (so to the left of you at this stage) then immediately transfer weight to the back (left) foot. Rotate the woman around her newly established centre of mass while rotating yourself to face her both hands crossed. Two handed return then drop the left hold (so you are left right to right).

  • Catapult Right Twist into Dip. Much like other versions of this move done previously. Catapult woman offering left hand at right side. Bring her in to take that move her past you keeping right at head level (to move her around) and left at waist. Begin turning her anticlockwise keeping left at waist until you can't. Let go and keep turning her while turning yourself clockwise turn her around a bit more before ending up with her 90 degrees facing right and move into a small dip.


20 September 2005

Just The Move List

Armjive, Man Spin, Ceroc Spin and, Octopus.

  • Armjive Swizzle into Teapot. I'm sure I can work it out from that.

  • First Move Kick Ball Change Triple Step. First move start put hand on woman's far hip and let go with left. Do a Kick Ball Change (a tap dancing move I think) then guide the woman in and do a Triple Step. Swap arms behind her back and move back into a First Move sort of position; repeat back to where you started; swap back and go into a push spin (in this case). Strangely exactly the same move we did down at a lesson in Southport. Scary stuff.

  • Use Your Illusion Part 1. Right hand start. Offer left at waist and keep it there as you cross your right over your chest. Move your right out to get the woman along side you. The pivot 180 to face as you move the right(?) high and to your right causing the woman to turn her back to you. The right goes into a sort of flat hand facing position. You then begin turning her with both hands high letting go with the left as she comes around so you don't end up crossing your hands and then you put it back again. Do this a few spins then take one of the hands; lower (into a crossed position) then raise both to return.
