Missing Dances
Another stupidly busy Thursday. Once again meaning that there was so many people I didn't get to dance with and I came away feeling guilty again. There were a couple of girls I was really looking forward to dancing with but we never got the chance. Then afterwards they were talking with me about when we'd next be available. I asked if they were going to the salsa club (since both of them know a little salsa) and I'd dance a bit of salsa with them there. But somehow I missed them there and felt really bad. I'm hoping that I get dances with the both of them in the near future.
I did see a few people from my salsa class there and had a dance with one of them which was really good fun.
Tonight's playlist was fab. Maybe I was just in the mood to dance but what the teacher was playing tonight really worked for me. It still had his own slant towards fast tunes but he's added a few in there that I really liked and kept much of the good old stuff too. We had quite a bit of old skool Rock and Roll which I found really enjoyable for a change. Still hoping that Tiggerbabe finds the time to do a few sets in Edinburgh.
I also got a compliment on the way I clearly lead the Man Spin. Yeay!
Catapult, Step Across, First Move and, Shoulder Slide. Then intermediate which I had quite a bit of difficult with even though I had lots of practice as they had to move a billion women on or something.
- Start with Basket. As you come out of it take your left to her right shoulder then lift right over her head as you turn away from her place your right on your left shoulder and then; your left on your right so you have your hands crossed in front of you and your partner facing your back. Let go with with both spin to face with her left hand still on your shoulder and taking her right in your left (quickly) and right on her hip and move into a mambo step (start forward) for a few before pulling her past into a turn then return and (in this case) manspin to get to right.
- Bring the woman past with the right while swapping hands behind your back (so you turn away from her). Take your left hand out with your back is turned to her so she has her back turned to you as well. Spin her but keep hold and put your right hand on her shoulder to stop her spin. Push her firmly but gently back out into the previous position. Spin as normal catching right.
- Move into a Sway. Execute the Sway as normal. When coming out of it nudge the woman forward keeping hold of both hands resulting in the sort of tension position a woman would see in the Catapult except with really weird arm position move forwards changing to a flat to flat hand (with your hands upwards) bringing your hands in a position to the side and just underneath of her breasts. Step back and begin to squat on your knees while she moves into a Drop Kick. Correct and turn out right-to-right (in this case we did a quick hand swap to left).
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