Boogie Nights Night
I went along to a non-ceroc party tonight organised by Boogie Nights (which had modern jivers there) in the same venue as the Ceroc parties are held. The venue was laid out quite differently and I liked it. The fantastic music set was DJ'd by Dance Demon (though some of the WCS that he played was a bit tricky to Ceroc to) and it was fun and challenging to dance to it.
Had lots of really good dances mostly with people I've danced with quite a bit before including a few of the Edinburgh regulars that I love dancing with and a woman down from Aberdeen for the event. I danced with a few of the WCSers including the girl that Ducasi mentioned in his blog. It was odd feeling the need to build up the confidence to ask a 12 year old to dance but it was as intimidating as asking any good dancer you don't know. She hadn't done that much MJ before; she's a quick learner though. I took some time to watch the WCSers and they did look good. They seemed to play with the music more as well but then it could just be that there was a bunch of really good dancers there.
Anyway WCS is something that I'd like to try and I'm sure I'll go to a class one day. The venue was quiet and there was a lot of space on the dance floor which meant I travelled more and tried a few of the walking moves I know with mixed results.
It was a really top night. I'd definitely go to another one if it happens :D.
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