30 October 2005

Ceroc Party Number 4

Well a write up of the BFG is coming. I've voice recorded them at the moment so I don't forget them. My fourth party representing my fourth month of dancing, pretty much, as well. Unfortunately it wasn't the best party nor did I think I was particularly on form. The night started badly when in my second dance I nearly dropped someone; now I know that it happens and I didn't actually drop her but it still made me a little on edge. However as I try not to make drops a large part of my dance anyway then my lack of desire to do them didn't really affect my night that much. I think generally I just had difficulty concentrating and it took me quite a few dances before I felt more on form. Saying that I did have one woman mention I had a reputation (which was good apparently :D) as I asked her to dance. The music was very much what I've come to expect from an Edinburgh party night; I like a lot of the tracks but I felt there could have been some new stuff thrown in. Tried a bit more double trouble too and that seemed to go quite well; I ended up double troubling on the last track (excluding the twilight dance) and felt quite good at the end. So started bad and progressed to better throughout the night. I had a very good time post party as well :).


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