25 October 2005

BFG Blues :(

Went to ceroc tonight and really did have some great dances. I feel it is important to mention that before going on to say that I was hoping I improved a little more. When I was dancing on Sunday (at the BFG which I will finish writing about) I felt there were only a couple of dances that went wrong and so many that just felt so right. Maybe it was the music or atmosphere. Maybe my sleep deprivation just made me think everything was great. I suppose my biggest disappointment in myself is that I had the best dance with someone from Edinburgh on Sunday and I was really hoping for that same feeling tonight. Though the dance wasn't bad; it just wasn't... that. Also someone commented that I was rushing the moves by half a beat; some times just not completing the moves on the beat etc. I shall work on this; I think it is, as she said, that I'm thinking about getting into the next move rather than that pause. Anyway met a couple of first time people that had a fantastic following skills; though they were a bit uncertain I still lead them through a few intermediate moves. Hope both of them return.

  • Twirl Wrap Walk Spin Thing. Do a two handed travelling twirl past your right hand side and turn and face the woman. Take your right hand up turning the woman's back to you and taking both hands to her shoulders (so her arms are crossed in front of her). Slide your hands from hers to her shoulders and pivot her right then left then right before spinning her out.

  • Pretzel Walk with Barrier. Start a Pretzel when you lift the right take it to your shoulder as you pivot clockwise (180 degrees?) then take your lowered left hand to the lady's far shoulder before doing a walk around and sliding the left hand into the lady's left. Guide her to your right side and kept hold so she forms a barrier then spin her out of that and catch right.

  • Return Lasso Dip. Right hand. Return her as you do take her hand down to her left side causing her to spin; move in and wrap her arm around your neck and take a standard seducer stance and lower her then correct. Spin her out.

I suppose it could also be factors outside of dancing that have actually affected my night. It hasn't been a good week so far.


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