25 January 2006

West Coast Swing

Well I thought I'd give West Coast Swing a go tonight. Much like my first night at Salsa I found the footwork difficult and it feeling a little bit of a step back (no pun). However unlike Salsa I really enjoyed the music and the people were much nicer which makes a big difference. Anyway rather than write out lots about WCS I'll just link to the Wikipedia entry. The basic step works on a step on left (normally back) then on right then a triple step ; followed by a second triple step so your weight is on your right foot (allowing your left to move again). Most followers gave the right tension and were very good at following which was delightful (and I needed the help).

I did find that the footwork and a much more strict requirement on the count took up a lot of my brain activity leaving me with very little to actually focus on having fun with my partner. A few times I got into the zone and found the footwork became automatic. At other times I found myself getting so much into moving to the music I just led my partner into a First Move... oops.

The slotted dancing is nice and neat. I like it :).

Anyway the moves, quite quickly: The Sugar Push (including one where on the push you transferred to the right hand allowing for a right handed step across with you moving to the left and letting go with your hand wait for the woman to turn and take left to right). Underarm Pass (lift hand step to your left, with right foot forward, then cross step so left foot is behind as you turn for you and your partner to do a ronde). A starting move where you have a closed First Move like position and do a double triple step to get on the same timing and do some compression and such then lead the woman out into an open triple step before cross stepping to the left (as another triple step count). The Whip; which:

Whip: This 8 count basic resembles Lindy Hop. The follower starts at one end of the slot and is led around the lead, to the same end of the slot she started. However there is one fundamental difference from the Lindy Hop Swing Out. The follower stays in her slot, pivoting, then coming back to where she started. The leader steps in and out of the slot, creating a less circular, and more elastic move.

Wikipedia Entry

We also did a whip where we stayed in the pivot repeating it over and over.



Anonymous said...

You did really well for your first night - well done! :-)

Gary said...

Awww shucks. Thanks.

It's weird being a beginner again but it seems like a nice dance and I'd like to stick with it.