14 January 2006

Red Hot and Blue Number 2

Just come back from Red Hot and Blue. It was a lovely night. Like last time I felt it was a little warm and the floor was tricky to spin on. Someone talc'd the floor and that gave us a brief super spin time (it's like a power-up) where we could spin like crazy. But that quite quickly left the floor on people's feet. The music was the slow stuff that I'd expect allowing you a lot more freedom to play around with the music though sometimes that makes me feel a little lost. Still learning a lot about blues dancing and have some way to go. While I'm on music I found the beat in Santana's Maria Maria very tricky to dance to. I found I could some times get some footwork going for the beat but I found leading my follower to the beat a lot more tricky (or even thinking of moves that might work in this regard). I think it was a track Franck and Tiggerbabe used in the How To Slow Jive class at Southport so I should have had a few moves that could have played to it but I found it a little tricky to execute those moves to it. Anyway as I really enjoyed the beat I'd love to practice dancing to that style of music.

I did have a few dances where I found it tricky to make a connection or that I was too low on energy to concentrate on. However most dances were really excellent and I had such a good time. I found playing great fun and was complimented on my ability to react to a lady steal. Lots of luscious dances with some of my favourite dancers. Aleks (I hope she doesn't mind me using her name; I'll check) said she noticed that I was flirting a bit in the dance and we had a really good time just having some fun. I felt that it worked really well; I've got to remind her to show me how to practice body rolls :). Also my lovely dancing spy mentioned that some people were talking about me and established that I'm a passionate dancer. That wasn't unfortunately said directly to me but I loved that as a complement. I suppose it makes me feel my enjoyment of the dance shows through.

I had a couple of dances where I followed for half the time. One was with a man, though not the man I had arranged to have a man-dance with, we both found it difficult given the bluesy nature of the track. It was also difficult for me to improvise as a follower. I had a second track straight afterwards with a woman who was leading; I found I needed a stronger lead (and I don't even mean that it the clearer way; I actually mean a physically stronger lead) and found it tricky to dance as a follower. Willing to give it more goes though :D. It was fun stealing the lead from her and her asking how that happened.

I really music thank all the women I got a dance with tonight for making the evening so good. Without you I'd just be wiggling my butt on the dance floor.



Anonymous said...

I knew I should have tried harder to be there... :(

I love Maria Maria, both dancing to it, and listening to it.

Oh, and sorry for missing our arranged man-dance – from past experience though, I'd agree – you are a passionate dancer. :-P

Gary said...

Sorry you couldn't make it. I also love the Maria Maria track; I just found it tricky to fit moves to. I'd certainly love to give it a go again. I'm hoping to attend those Funk Up Your Jive like classes in an attempt to become better at dancing to tracks with syncopated beats.

Anonymous said...

You forgot to point out that the lady in question managed to steal the lead back again eventually :wink: