12 January 2006

Thursday Night Goodness

It was a really, really good night tonight. There were a lot of people there including a big bunch of new faces. It did result in it being very warm for much of the evening. A got in a few dances with women I haven't danced with in a while and really enjoyed them all. They've improved and my lead might well have improved as well and I hope I make a better attempt at dancing with them in the future. Though there were a lot of beginners I hardly seemed to be able to get a hold of any of them leaving me a bit shameful at my lack of dancing with any of them. I managed to get a few dances with my favourite dancers tonight. I find I've been playing more and I certainly really had enjoyable dances with them; a few of them mentioned that they had a good dance with me. Hoping that's also the case with those that didn't mention. I've realised I'm much more a fan of fun dances than technically excellent dances though I'd like a better grasp of the latter. I think my ability to lead footwork moves has actually gone down hill.

I think I managed to annoy someone dancing Now That I Can Dance with them. I did warn her I hated the track but maybe I would have been better turning her down. I don't think I put in that much effort and towards the end of the track I realised how silly I was being but I think she had entirely lost interest by that stage.

I'm currently trying to follow once a lesson. A friend who I really enjoy leading (she does a lot of exciting footwork that I enjoy) lead for a bit of a track. I'm still pretty back at following though. It's this whole taking instruction thing.

I found my double spin confidence has increased as well and I can casually go into a double spin from a Comb. I hope the women I dance with aren't getting aggravated by having to wait for my spin though.

Done the first two intermediate moves before. I'd look them up but I'm changing the way I list moves any day now anyway. There was one woman that I didn't have any desire to do the dip with as it was her first week. I'm not sure why she was in the intermediate class. I don't think she was a bad beginner but I would hardly say she was the exceptional that I think you should be to attempt an Intermediate class on your first week. I tried it on my fifth though so I can hardly talk.

  • Accordion Sit Down. Variant involving taking the woman's left hand in right and moving her out for a lady spin.

  • False Pretzel Sway.

  • Neck Break Weird Lean. Start a Neck Break but put your right hand over the woman's shoulder so your thumb is facing down. Transfer her right hand into your right; turning her so she is on your right side facing the same way as you with your and her right hand on her right shoulder and she offers her left at your waist level which you take with your left. You then turn her into face you though I'm a bit uncertain if there is another step here. Switch her over to your left side mirroring the previous position then raise the right to turn her moving your arms so your right is locked behind your head and your left is at her left waist. Wrap this arm to her waist for support while taking your left leg behind her for support. Twist anticlockwise to put her into a lean. I could do with confirming this move. Move out double handed into an Accordion.


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