29 January 2006

Edinburgh Party 7

Arrived just in time for the fun class at the Edinburgh party night. I wasn't going to do the class but the teacher pointed out there was only one woman extra so I thought I'd balance the numbers. As they were on the second move I played a quick catch-up. There were a few women in the class where the party night was their first night. I can't imagine the evening being easy for them (and I had a dance later with a few of them) as it seems they really were starting at the deep end.

I never really enjoyed the music for much of the night. There was a lot of fast stuff (especially earlier on) without any slow, or even average, tempo stuff. There also was a lot of tracks where there wasn't really a chance to play with the music much. I found it, as a result, difficult to really get into it during the earlier part of the evening (that's not to say it was just the music but it was a factor) and I only had a few good dances during the first half of the night. Later on the evening picked up a lot though and I had a lot of really good dances; only wish I could have been in that zone earlier.

During the evening I had a double trouble dance that went well (ish). Another double trouble dance (to Now That I Can Dance) which didn't go smoothly but I found hilarious and made me almost enjoy dancing to that song. I also followed (and led for a short while) Ducasi; he led really well and found it much easier to follow him that most of the people I've had lead me.

It wasn't my best party night ever but it was good fun.


1 comment:

Gary said...

Thanks for reading it :). Quite a few sites in the links section have notes on moves though I still like to keep my own (though I'm pretty sure that only my brain understands them).