Hats Off For The DJ
Tonight was good with a few exceptional dances in it. I wish I had thanked the DJ at the end of the night. The music, with the exception of Now That I Can Dance, was fantastic; it was a great set and had a bit of everything to cater for different tastes in. There was quite a high women to men ratio which meant that I was very much in demand and didn't really get much of a chance to decide who I wanted to dance with. That was a shame since I was hoping to catch a couple more of the beginners than I did. However I did enjoy the dances with the women who asked me and probably happier with the dances I had as a result. I got a lovely complement on my leading :D.
Anyway the moves were nice as well. I had some difficulty with the second one for some reason, both in class and afterwards, I found it tricky to work on trying to lead it clearly and also get it right. I also had someone show me Amir's First Move and got a tip on how to add a bit more style (to the arms) in my Lap Sit which I'll have to try.
- Arm Jive Walk - Arm Jive but draw the woman into cross-stepping and walking forwards while you cross-step back traveling the dance floor (we did this for 4 counts) then change to walk forward and exit as a normal Arm Jive.
- Basket Basket Thing - Two handed. Lead the woman towards your right taking your right to the right side of her waist and the left over to the left side (so she is in front of you in a basket position). Extend her forward slightly then pull her into your right side rasing your right to turn her out behind you as you pivot around and put her into another Basket in front of you then extending and pulling into the right. Drop your right hand and take it in a big arc over to your left side as you move in front of her and offer the hand at the right. She takes that as you turn her in front (with just the right) and move her into a Lady Spin.
- Push Spin - Take right hand to a flat hand hold and push spin then take the left hand up (where she'll hopefully meet it with a flat hand) and spin her. Repeat until you get bored. The ending had a trying to get her right hand with your left but I found that ending with a Yo-Yo end more natural. I also found, in freestyle, it easier to start from a Yo-Yo. I also found standing there while spinning the woman dull so I added in spinning in the other direction (away from the push-spin) and offering the other hand worked well :D. I like spinning.
- Octopus Lady Spin - Do an Octopus; as you turn in don't take the other hand and turn the woman around for a lady spin.
I'll keep any eye on your page for some tips, being a fellow ceroc dancer myself.
You are quite welcome to. Though I sometimes have difficulty understanding what I've written about the moves so I'm pretty sure other people will find it next to impossible.
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