Dancing and Working
Tonight I had some good dances though think I felt a bit guilty since I had work to do that I hadn't finished when I left to dance (this is why I finished being a student I believe my work day should end at some stage without concerns). Anyway with said work in mind I'll jump straight to the moves.
Arm Jive Push Spin, Slow Comb, Step Across, In-and-Out and, Basket. It was almost exactly what I did on Thursday.
- Hatchback Hip. This was an enjoyable simple move. Hatchback then rather than turn and face offer your right arm behind you. Take her hand to your right hip while leaning to your left hip and then bounce her hand to the right so she spins behind you (though you can't put anywhere near enough force in so she is really moving herself). Catch left to right.
- Something with a Mambo. Loved this move (glad I went tonight :)). Start by twirling the woman past you anticlockwise. As she is twirling past put your right hand on the small of her back while keeping the left high (though, I found, off to the side to stop her twirling again). Wiggle a bit side-to-side while moving the left arm down and into a half nelson behind her back exchanging with your right hand already behind there. Put the left hand on her hip which allows you to draw her forward into a Mambo Step. Do this for 4 counts (though I tended to do it longer in freestyle) then exit using the right arm behind her back and a small push with the left. In the class we swapped to left hand and returned.
- Basket into Cross Step Madness. Basket but then unwrap her (slowly; for two counts in fact) to face and then for both of you to face to your left. Step right across left (cross step) and then spin her anticlockwise while stepping right to move closer to her. Quickly move her hand behind your head while placing your hands on her back to move into a left hand dip (quick dip just). Exit with a spin and return. It, as the teacher said, is impossible to lead someone into the cross step in freestyle without verbal communication. It is a step that is quite popular with showcases. Despite the fact it was fun to learn I'll just drop this move rather than worry about it since it has no use in freestyle.
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