Air Conditioning Is Your Friend
Well got back from the competition. I didn't get past the first round despite being partnered with an excellent dancer (who was somewhat capped by my ability) but I had fun during it. I didn't find knowing that loads of people watching was nerve racking though I didn't go for the moves that I have a tendency to mess up and I was very aware of that. I did wish I could remember how to get into the Crusifix though as we danced to the dance remix of that titanic song and I would have liked to add the I'm king of the world!
scene. Other than that I enjoyed lots of my dances but found I was quickly drained in the heat and couldn't really dance more than four in a row without taking a long break to cool down.
The quality of dancing was excellent and there was so many good dancers there. It was really good to watch I was particularly blown away by the open freestyle category. I watched the intermediate category and was very impressed by the dancing. As I didn't say earlier (when I was just wittering and was digging this big hole for myself) was that in a technical sense I felt all the moves in intermediate were do-able it was really the style and timing of the moves that made them look great and the thing that I need to work on with my current set of intermediate moves. I think, at the moment, it is still an achievement for me to chain a succession of moves whereas watching the experienced dancers I realise that sometimes it is worth taking a little break in that chain to put in a little style or to snap to another move. I'm not sure how well I'd be able to implement what I saw but I'm certainly keen on having a go.
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