14 July 2005

It's Dancing Time!

There were so many people this evening. I'm not sure where they came from but the hall was so full it made it really difficult to find a spot to dance in; especially as I don't seem to be able to keep my dancing to a confined space. However it did mean I got to dance with a lot of different women with a variety of skill levels. Though at times I don't think I was dancing at my peak (note to the women I dance with: it takes pretty much all my concentration to string dance moves together if you talk I'll probably just start doing 3 moves in sequence like a for loop).

Beginners' Class covered Basket, Man Spin, Yo-Yo and the Ceroc Spin of which only the last was new to me. Despite the fact that I kept missing the Ceroc Spin (it isn't the most obvious move to go into) I decided that I should do the intermediate class anyway.

  • Started with a Basket based move that went out into a right handed unravel for the woman then she went under your right arm and moved to the left with your right arm across your back. Then you moved with her straight behind you, back to back, before spinning her and catching with your left hand.

  • Almost Pretzel First Move? - Thankfully we did the same second move as the second move I did on Tuesday (it starts with the First Move :)). I got better at it; though still had difficulty leading into it on the FreeForm.

  • Return Seducer - The last move was my first, and ever so slightly scary, dip. Twirl the woman past you anti-clockwise twice and on the second twirl put your right hand on her lower back while putting the left hand high on her back. Turn her around and dip her slightly (or more than slightly) to the floor. You can also put a knee out as an additional support. One woman seemed keen on nearly touching the floor; I was mainly relieved that I didn't drop her (or any other woman for that matter). Anyway I'm not overly confident with my dips but I'm keen on trying so I can rectify that situation.

A close friend of mine was also there this evening; which was great. She's been Ceroc dancing many times before but she hasn't been in a while. It felt a lot more comfortable dancing with her than most of the other dancers. Anyway, though it is unlikely they read this, I enjoyed all the dances I had so thanks go out to all the dancers I danced with.


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