I Am 10 Today
Well that was my 10th Ceroc evening come and gone. I'm looking forward to the party at the weekend though at the same time I'd like to buy some black jeans for it and I could do with some black trainers to wear with them so I expect much shopping to be occurring Saturday afternoon first. Anyway tonight was good; mostly. Intermediate was really, really hard and I struggled with two of the moves which I think everyone agreed were difficult but I seemed the only dancer to get the consistently wrong. I was over the moon when the class went on to freeform and I could drop all the moves. I stuck with a lot of the basic moves tonight (only rarely doing an intermediate) and I felt a lot better for it. At the moment, with intermediate, I'm to focused on the move and not really following the dance. With the basic moves I think I dance a lot better (even it if simpler) and I thought I had some reasonable footwork as well. I got complemented quite a few times and that did a lot to boost my confidence.
Beginners class we did First Move (into a twirl), Man Spin, Shoulder Drop and In-and-Out. It was good to revisit some of these moves again, I felt I improved in all of them. The In-and-Out had a twist where the woman put her hands on your chest at the end and then is pushed off by your rippling fat muscles or something. The instructor asked how many woman thought their partner's chest was macho and my partner stuck her hand up, bless her, though saying that so did one of the women that was dancing with the female taxi (that got a few chuckles). I didn't like that ending I thought it was tacky so I doubt I'd really do it on the floor.
Intermediate was tough. I'm not even sure I'm going to be able to describe it for myself. There was a lot to remember and my body and mind didn't want to do it so I failed moving properly. Just when I thought I might have been getting somewhere then we'd switch to the next move and I would have basically forgotten the move again.
- Double hand movement thang. Ready? Good. Both hands, rotate clockwise for 360 with hands above head when just moving back to face partner she moves 90 degrees and you rest your right hand over her left shoulder and she does the same. Then you continue to rotate clockwise(?) so you are behind her wrapping your right hand over then the left so she has her arms about her waste. Lift the right (?) arm and turn her around for fricken ages while moving her around you keeping the left arm against her waste (I think). Then you find that the left arm is still at her waist and position the right with a flat hand level with her ready for a spin. Spin her for 1 and 3/4 rotations (anti clockwise) then catch with left (?) before moving hand out to right for a brief ceroc spin and return. With the amount of doubt in here it becomes quite apparently that I have no idea how to do this move. I didn't when I tried on the evening either. This meant I messed it up which made trying to do all three moves twice through pretty difficult.
- First Move into Lean. This one was alright. Start first move but right leg should go out into the lady's path. She then wraps her leg around that leg and you lean away with the left leg using the left hand (to right) hold as support. You then return back up and resume a first move as per normal.
- Arrrgh. Start with a twirl (or follow from the return on the first move in this case). Fire her over to right hand side holding on to the right side of her hip and catching her left hand with your left. Move back and forwards like the basket before rotating a full 360 while moving the hands in such a way to have your right arm behind her. Take two full steps (so walking) forward before moving her directly in front of you place the left hand on her upper back and partially lean (not as long as a usual seducer). The dip should be performed in a single beat which makes it damn fast. Anyway I didn't really get this one either; I'm not sure why could have been my mortification at move 1.
I'm sure there was something else I wanted to mention but I've forgotten it now. Ah well.
Ah ha! I thought I'd leave that in to show my bubble headed nature. I was dancing with a woman tonight and she made a few comments. Anyway at one stage I was surprised and though that I couldn't be hearing her right asked her to repeat herself and then still looked surprised. I thought she said, That's a lovely bra
and I was like how does she know, I thought it was virtually invisible
(ok kidding) still I was wondering if she was talking about someone on the dancefloor or something. Anyway I basically stopped twirling her so I could ask again and she said, That's a lovely brass
(the song in question did feature some lovely brass). So after I actually told her what I thought I heard her say and we had a bit of a giggle we finished our dance a little bit more amused if nothing else.
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