Fast Dances All Around
It's late and I've got an early start so I'll try and keep this short. Lots of fast tunes but they were enjoyable as a whole. Not sure how my dancing is coming on at times I felt that some of the intermediate moves I was leading I was slightly gripping and yanking the woman into position which isn't really a habbit I want to form (or keep if I am already doing it). I'm still not leading the intermediate great at times; certainly women take the wrong lead from it.
Octopus, Man Spin, Catapult and, Armjive Swizzle. Fine; though a lot of work for a total beginner (three quite complicated moves).
- Start like the Zipper I think by taking the woman past your right while twisting her in towards you (could be wrong though and did it wrong a few times during freestyle) so her arms are crossed. Then pull with your left hand while turning to be back to back with arms high above you. Move left into a half nelson with her doing the same and then back right for the opposite hold. While in this though duck and slip under your nelson and the woman's arm (in towards the woman) and out the other side then twist the woman with your left arm (clockwise I think) for a spin and a quarter taking her to face away from you. At this stage move her to face right then left, right, left before letting go with left and spinning her with right for one complete turn (I think) and take her into a right handed ceroc spin and catch with left. Though I'm currently fairly certain on how to do this move I hope I can revisit it on Saturday to see if this is what it actually consisted of.
- Left handed start while offering with your right behind your back you move the woman towards it but then pull it away so she can't actually take it (it's a strange move) and twirl to face her (now that she is behind you) and swap to your right hand then move into the position where she is on the right and your right hand is on her right hip. Sway her back and forward before indicating her forward and swapping to the left. Return.
- Take both hands and move into a Basket. Only move back though then release with your left hand and spin her twice to bring her in front of you with the right while keeping the left at her waist. At this stage move into a ballroom grip and step back on left bringing her into a lean then dip her to the side (while trying to take your raised left hand past your head; wasn't very graceful at this) resume an upright position and flatten hand for a spin while moving right hand to her hip. Spin and catch left.
Well so much for short.
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